Using stats/on, how you answer the question "Do you want to update the database" determines how files are handled.
Yes = File is moved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\DataPage+\ForStatsFiles Also, it' gets an extension .pcdmistats which Dataimporter treats as an XML
No = File is created and saved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS and is left as XML
Which ever dialogue you choose, data importer has to be monitoring that directory and it can't monitor two at once.
What is more confusing is that I see a lot of PCDMISStats%DateTime%.XML which can only be generated by the external command method of stats. .XML files generated by stats on show up as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml
There are ways to make this happen but without the external command but as far as I can remember it doesn't happen without you creating a stats transfer command. So look and see if you're also using external commands in your program too.