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[2022.1 SP1] Application.ico error is back for Universal Updater

Whatever you did the last time I reported this error, it didn't work. Please start testing the installers more thoroughly
and fix this stupid error or let us opt-out from installing the updater (for non-Internet connected machines).

Application.ico is included in the attached ZIP-archive, you will need to put this in the path shown in the error message
if you want to use the Universal Updater at all...



​​​​​​​ Don Ruggieri
  • hi,

    tested it on 4 diffent PC's with Windows 10 and pcDMIS from 2020 to 2021.2 always the same effect.

    But I noticed something:
    I actually installed the file "1.5.707.exe".
    after the installation everything is ok, Version in Universalupdater ist 1.5.707
    but a popup window appears that only gives me the opportunity to update although I actually just made an update.

    the Programm updates to 1.5.708 (this version is not actually visible on the website)
    and during this second installation he deletes the Application.ico file,
    (if you have the installation folder open it just deletes the file)

    1.4 was installed before the installation started

    hope this helps
  • No Internet whatsoever on three of my installs.
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