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Loopity Loops (and how to offset em')

Greetings fellow metrologists

I would like some help on my loop problem.
I have to create a loop to measure many parts simultaneously. I have done this before, but it was cylindrical parts, so it was quite easy to create the offsets in the loops.
But now i have this not-so-round part and its coordinatesystem doesnt match cmm axis
so im not quite sure how to go about this problem.
(see picture for part coordinates and how i will place them on the cmm). they will be placed in mulitple rows.

ty guys, u always help me

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  • Maybe:

    Measure the thread distances, align on them (cir-cir) and the base plate plane, set zero in one of them.
    Move to DCC, measure your part, align accordingly (so it matches the part CAD).
    Recall the first alignment.
    Offset the alignment to the next set of thread distances.
    Jump up to the DCC section of the actual part measurement.
    Recall the first alignment.
    Offset... bla, bla

    Rinse, repeat.
  • Ah oki!
    Thing is i dont know the what the nominal ijks are relative to the the alignment of the threads.
    So only option i see then is to manually probe the features, so i use the measured ijk as nominal ijk (besides top plane, thats easy to figure out)
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