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probes crash into calibration sphere

I want to avoid asking things already answered here in the forum, and there are several cal sphere posts, but none answer my issue so far.

After qualifying my Master probe, the subsequent probes are crashing into the sphere as if they think its lower in the Z-axis.

I'm using TP20 probes and these same probes worked previously

My process looks like this:

1. Master probe (3x20mm on std module) using 25 hits, DCC+DCC, reset to theo, selecting "YES" cal sphere moved and taking first manual point. Results are good at .0000"-.0002"

2a. 1x50mm probe at A0B0, using 13 hits, DCC+DCC, selecting "NO" cal sphere did not move
2b. Sometimes I use "user defined", sometimes I use "default mode", doesn't seem to work regardless

3. Proceeds to crash straight down into sphere.

Anything look obviously wrong in this process? Pics show both probe setups and options. Probes were measured for length and checked for tightness.

  • If you calibrate MAN+DCC it will work, but it is a work around.

    I can see from the screenshot but your Master probe has some offsets in it, so it's been calibrated with 'No - the sphere has not moved' at some point (the offsets are very small so it's not a major issue but it means the correct procedure has not been followed at some point).

    Your 1by50 probe however should have a Z Offset of 8.3189, yours currently has a Z offset off 8.9571 so it thinks it's ~0.6" longer than it is.

    Reset the1BY50 (and why not reset the Master probe whilst you're at it?) and start again.

    Btw: this is the danger of using MAN+DCC in cases when it's not really needed - you can end up with these huge offsets (and get a cumulative effect).
  • If you calibrate MAN+DCC it will work, but it is a work around.

    I can see from the screenshot but your Master probe has some offsets in it, so it's been calibrated with 'No - the sphere has not moved' at some point (the offsets are very small so it's not a major issue but it means the correct procedure has not been followed at some point).

    Your 1by50 probe however should have a Z Offset of 8.3189, yours currently has a Z offset off 8.9571 so it thinks it's ~0.6" longer than it is.

    Reset the1BY50 (and why not reset the Master probe whilst you're at it?) and start again.

    Btw: this is the danger of using MAN+DCC in cases when it's not really needed - you can end up with these huge offsets (and get a cumulative effect).