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Crash with UNLOAD tip command

Has anyone had an issue with PC-DMIS crashing while the CMM is executing an UNLOAD tip command? It has been happening in DCC mode and also using Control E. Does anyone have an idea to what is going on or why? Thank you!
  • Have you tried recalibrating the rack already? Are your clearance distances set properly?
    What type of probe system are you using?
  • As I understand, that's the demon which crashes, not the cmm...
    Maybe a .prb issue ?
  • All Tips and rack are calibrated correctly, does tip changes perfectly fine. Just the unload tip command is when i get the crash no matter if I do a single line command or if it is in DCC mode. Machine moves over to the clearance position for a tip change/unload and then PC-DMIS crashes.
  • You could try to create a probe that doesn't exist physically, and which is not in the rack.
    Then, you insert a load command for this probe, the cmm unload the actual probe and ask to the ghost one - you do nothing.
    When you want to load another probe, PC-DMIS asks you to unload manually the probe, you just answer "yes".
  • i did try using a tip that wasnt in the rack and it works just fine and im able to load and unload the tips manually. Machine will unload tips just fine into the rack and tell me to load the tip that is not in the rack. After i would do that, i would change back to a tip in the rack and it tells me to remove the tip, which i do, then it picks up the tip in the rack. So, no matter what i do, everything is working great, BUT when i give it an unload command to unload into the rack. So there is definitely something wrong with just the unload command into the rack i just am not sure what. What you suggested works too, just to bypass PC-DMIS from crashing, so for the time being i can do that, just frustrating when that shouldnt be the solution LOL
  • From PCDMIS help (below)
    Is this what is crashing?
    Have you tried establishing the settings editor to the dummy "UNLOAD" probe name, as the help file dictates?


    Set this value to the name of a special probe that you use at the end of the measurement routine for purposes of unloading the probe without picking one up.

    The procedure to use this option follows:
    1. Create a probe file with a name that won't be used on the machine. For example, a file named "unload" could be used in a command line as LOADPROB/UNLOAD.
    2. Make sure the probe created in step 1 is NOT assigned to any port in a probe changer.
    3. Set this registry entry to the name of that probe. The name is not case sensitive.

    With this setup you can leave the other warnings set up the way you normally would for typical operation, but you should not get prompted about manually loading or unloading this special probe.

    Entry Name: ProbeFileUsedToForceUnloadWithNoPickup

    Entry Type: Character String value specifying probe name. The default value is None ( ).
  • Very nice ! That's my DIY solution, in the demon Slight smile !
  • I just did try that suggestion and same thing occurs.... as soon as i hit control E on that command, PC-DMIS crashes and closes out... So far only way to bypass it is JEFMAN's suggestion above. Dont have any permanent fixes yet.