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Are you using collision detection during calibration?
There is a known issue with this and I'm still waiting on a fix.
If you calibrate a probe saying yes sphere has moved (with multiple tips selected) then you will get incorrect offsets for the second tip calibrated.
If you want to use collision detection, then calibrate Master probe-tip (typically A0B0) first saying Yes sphere has moved (Don't use collision detection here - there's no need anyway).
Then select all your other tips and say No Sphere has not moved - you should now be able to use the collision detection.
link to said know issue please. all of our parameter sets use collision detection and we calibrate probes daily.
I don't think I can link to is as such - it's on our internal system.
However AFAIK my description of the issue is valid, as is the workaround (calibrate Master probe-tip on it's own so PC-Dmis knows where the reference sphere is) then it can do the collision detection and generate the correct offsets.
A lot of people don't see this issue as this is the workflow they employ anyway.
NinjaBadger All of our parameter sets have collision detection on. We use collision detection because we have a 7-10-7 and there is a risk of the probes striking the leg during angle rotation while calibrating. Probes have been broken in the past due to the styli striking the leg and this is why we now have it defaulted to on. Do we need to run the master probe every time we calibrate to avoid any issues?
If you select "User defined calibration order" and save it as a Parameter Set, you can probably avoid this. My Parameter sets start with greatest -B angle and rotate around to greatest +B angle.
NinjaBadger All of our parameter sets have collision detection on. We use collision detection because we have a 7-10-7 and there is a risk of the probes striking the leg during angle rotation while calibrating. Probes have been broken in the past due to the styli striking the leg and this is why we now have it defaulted to on. Do we need to run the master probe every time we calibrate to avoid any issues?
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