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Clearance Cube + Collision Detection

Hi all, recently we only use clearance cube as it works perfect for our complex parts. We do not waste any time, however I did notice that collision detection is not working properly. It shows a lot of errors where actually the program will work fine. It look like the collision detection does not recognize the clearance cube. Any solution ?
  • Clearance cube isn't the best. As stated above good ol clearance planes and avoidance moves/move points are your best option for efficiency. I also never use collision detection but hey that's my 2 cents.
  • Clearance cube has it quirks, just like the rest of PC DMIS. You can make your programs more efficient by turning it off and on for individual features as needed. If you have a row of holes to measure you turn ift on for approaching the first hole, turn it off for all but the last hole, turn it back on for exiting the last hole. To me, they should have had Clear Cube on/off show up in the code instead of in a separate table. I'm not currently running 2023 so I don't know how much of an improvement was made.
  • Thanks, clearance cube works perfect and we do use 2023.1 I do not really use the star probe however I know how to use move points for star probe and deactivate the clearance cubes for those features. The guy who answered my question is davehocum (thanks mate) so the collision detection is not working properly. I really do not understand how these days you can still use move points.
  • No Problem. The technique that I use is to keep the code dynamic and scalable. For example, move points can be use when other methods are unable to do the task that is needed. When I do use move points, I will use them with a dynamic approach using assigned variable types.
  • Hello Everyone, 

    I am very encouraged to see some discussion on use of clearance cube. 

    Well as, Dave Hocum writes, significant changes are implemented in PC-DMIS 2023.2. 

    Please use this version. You will be able to use Start Probe, Fixed Head probe, Wrist probes, laser probes with Clearance cube. 

    It is possible to create routines easily with Clearance cube then it was ever before. 

    I do recommend to use Moveset command. 

    Help on this topic has been completly re-done and if you take little time and read it, you will find lots of greate utilities. 

    One of the possibility of using clearance cube with groups is to be able to create and measure any dimesnion using mini-routine. 

    Having said that, if you are having issue with collision detection and clearance cube, you may please write me email and give me your measurement routine. We will try to find out issues and if found, we will fix them. My email address is: sudhanshu.Trivedi@hexagon.com

    If you have not tried clearance cube lately - do try!!!! I promise, you will like it!! 

  •    What's the difference between Moveset and just inserting regular move points?

  • Hello Danielo, 

    For Move points, Clearance Cube motions are not available. It is a move to a specific position and hence this is required from software point of view. 

    But for many reasons, we need motion to clearance cube. 

    Hence, idea of moveset was impemented. 

    Moveset will allow you to set clearanceCube motions just like a feature with motion. 

    How this can be used to your advantage?

    I recommend use of Groups with clearanceCube. If you adopt following method of Routine creation, it will give you ability to select any dimension and measure only that dimension quickly using Mini Routines. 

    Normally, Routines are created with some logic. Say one of the logic widely used is minimizing number of TIP changes or even rotations. 

    Say we are using TIP at wrist angle A0B0. We would measure all features possible with that TIP before chanign TIP to A90B180 and measurieng features with that tip. 

    I recommend following structure:

    Group Feautures with A0B0

    Moveset1 command. Select ClearanceCube motion at Starting Face and Off at ending face 

     CIR1 - Set ClearanceCube motion = off

     PNT2 - Set ClearanceCube motion = off

     CYL3 - Set ClearanceCube motion = off

    Moveset2 command. Select ClearanceCube motion at Ending Face and Off at starting face

    End of Group

    WIth above logical structure, you can sue mini routines easily. 

    You can compare above structure with how we drive car on freeway. We take Entry to Free way (Moveset1). 

    Now car can move freely without any signal lights.

    We can move out of Freeway when we reach destination (moveset2)

    In order to make to make it easy to add moveset at begining and at end, you will find reverse (two double arrow ICON) in menu of moveset. 

    You can copy moveset1, rename to moveset 2 and then click on this arrow if you have multiple movepoints in moveset. This will reverse that path to safety at the end of measurement. 

    Advantage is that in many cases you may need more than one move point to bring probe tip in front of face that you want to measure. It can be due to size of machine or just complexity of part. 

    You will find a very detailed help For Dimension Based Measuremnt in 2024.1 version. 

    In this version, I have tried to improve help. We create a chapter and it will have all information. 

    Hope that you will like moveset command. 

    Please use it and share your experience. Thanks for initiating this discussion. 

  • Looks like I missed answering your question. I thought I had answered it. Sorry about that. 

    Let me clarify the difference between Move and Moveset. 

    Move command moves tip to a certain location. It cannot be assigned Clearance Cube Motion as it needs to move tip.

    Moveset on other hand is a set of moves. It can be assigned Clearance Cube motion. 

    I recommend using the following structure for creation of Measurement Routine. 


        Moveset Command (Entry Moveset)
        Measure all features 
        Moveset command (Exit Moveset)

    Group End

    Normally, we Application Engineers create routines based on logic like measuring all features using current tip before rotating it.

    I compare Moveset as Entry and Exit to freeway. When you drive a car, you enter freeway. Once you are on free way you will not find any stop lights. When you are close to destination you exit out of freeway.

    Similarly, we bring Tip in front of face on which we wish to measure features.
    Next, Measure features.
    Go back to safe position so that tip can be rotated or changed.  

    You may need one move point or multiple move points in Moveset at beginning to bring tip in front of face where you need to measure features. Set Clearance Cube motion at the starting face  and Off clearance cube motion at the end face of this Moveset.

    Measure features. Moves between features are controlled by Avoidance Moves.

    When all features are measured, bring tip to safe location using Moveset command. Set Clearance cube motion at Ending face and Off for starting face.

    You can now Off clearance cube motion for features in between.

    This would give you a very efficient routine.

    We have re-organized help in version 2024.1. Please look for Dimension based measurement and Clearance cube measurement help after release of 2024.1 It would give you very detailed explanation.


     Hope this helps.