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TIGO CMM Park Position.

We just purchased a TIGO 4-6-4 CMM. My company is going to put a robot that will load the fixture.  My company also purchased it with the "Automation Ready" package (that's at least what my boss told me). It has a light on the grey "automation-ready" control box that indicates if the machine is in the park position, which is in the back left of the CMM.

My question is, is there a command in PC-DMIS to send the machine to the Z home (for clearance), then X&Y? Or a script command? I haven't played around with the scripts much over the years, and this automation is new to me. 

  • Manually drive the machine to the park position.  Open a program and press F10.  Go to the CLEARPOINT tab and click the "Read" button.  At the end of your measurement routine put an incremental move in Z or a clearplane to get you above any obstacles.  Then use the command MOVE/CLEARPOINT

    At least that's how I do it...

  • Or you could modify the move sequence in the same tab and discard the incremental move in Z, I suppose.

  • As Hi-Tech Redneck suggested, the move clear point is what you want to do at the end of your programs.

    if the automation ready package is the IO flow control box/software, the park light is illuminated when the head is within the safe home range. This can be configured inside the FDC controller, but I believe this can only be done with the Hexagon Service password (I have not tried to access this part of the controller without entering the password) It is also possible to change the position the machine will move to after the machine homes.

    In the attached photo, I set the safe home position to the back right of the machine and set the park range to this XYZ coordinates +/- 25mm.

    I also set the clear point to this same location. I did this as it made more sense to have the robot on the left side of the machine so that someone could still use the PC terminal on the right and also I felt that the analog probe head was a bit more protected by the Y axis of a mistake was made and the robot collided with the CMM for some reason.

    so when your machine is set up or the IO flow is configured, be sure to speak to the person who installed it if you want to change your safe home/park range position.

  • Adding command below will home the machine, not sure if this is the park position in this instance?

    PAS1 =Passthru To Controller/Command="AUTZER"
    /ExpectedResponseCount=5, KeepResponses=FALSE