Probe takes a point and waits like 5 seconds before it registers ....Global 15.30.10 with HP-S-X1H... can anyone tell me why?
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Probe takes a point and waits like 5 seconds before it registers ....Global 15.30.10 with HP-S-X1H... can anyone tell me why?
What do your Probe Options look like? If it's waiting a bit before it registers a hit, your Trigger Force may be too high. Perhaps another setting
Press F10 and select the Probe Options tab and share that data.
Could be a number of reasons, I suppose.
I've seen this happen when using rs232 instead of ethernet. I've seen it happen when PC needs to be rebooted. I've seen it happen when PC had a virus. I've seen it when executing program from a network drive.
Hard to answer this one, really.
It was the return speed in options... thanks
These setting are machine configuration specific (so can vary depending on probe type, controller type and machined frame - typically they can be different especially on larger machines) and shouldn't really be changed.
Changing them can have an adverse effect of the accuracy of the CMM.
That doesn't mean that they were set correctly however. It could well be the positioning or probing accuracy settings causing this dwell.
Got fat fingered during setup... thanks anyway
Probe forces, touch speeds etc? Extremely heavy or long probe?
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