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HR-R3 changer rack calibration

Has anyone had any experience with calibrating the HR-R changer racks? I have gone through the steps listed out in the help files, all the way until it asks to disconnect the kinematic joint adapter, and then take a hit on the datum sphere that is on the rack itself. 

my problem now is that when I remove the adapter, the jog box wont let me move the CMM, and only sometimes I can get it to move in only 1 direction. I lined up the CMM manually, and then was able to move with the jogbox down onto the sphere, but the CMM does not take a "hit", I assume because there is no probe or sensor on to know that it is taking a hit. 

These are the only instructions i'm finding currently, and am at a loss... For now I can change the adapters manually, but I'd like to figure this out to save time and effort in the future. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • The upside down probe on the rack should register the hit.  Sounds like it might not be configured correctly.

    From memory there's either a USB or Serial type connection, do you know what yours is?

  • So, quick update. I have two machines here, and both have this rack. I was able to calibrate the rack on the Global S, but still having trouble with the Global advantage. I still need to look into the connection type. 

    Another question to add is, how to use this rack? It seems we are just using it to store the different TKJ adapters with no tips on them. all tips are on their own tip changer racks.

    So if I need to switch from say our TP20 module, to the X1H module, what would that look like? I assume it would have to go drop off tip, then go to the HR-R rack, to switch out modules, and then go pick up the correct tip. But I am unsure how that works programmatically.

  • So, quick update. I have two machines here, and both have this rack. I was able to calibrate the rack on the Global S, but still having trouble with the Global advantage. I still need to look into the connection type. 

    Another question to add is, how to use this rack? It seems we are just using it to store the different TKJ adapters with no tips on them. all tips are on their own tip changer racks.

    So if I need to switch from say our TP20 module, to the X1H module, what would that look like? I assume it would have to go drop off tip, then go to the HR-R rack, to switch out modules, and then go pick up the correct tip. But I am unsure how that works programmatically.
