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HR-R3 changer rack calibration

Has anyone had any experience with calibrating the HR-R changer racks? I have gone through the steps listed out in the help files, all the way until it asks to disconnect the kinematic joint adapter, and then take a hit on the datum sphere that is on the rack itself. 

my problem now is that when I remove the adapter, the jog box wont let me move the CMM, and only sometimes I can get it to move in only 1 direction. I lined up the CMM manually, and then was able to move with the jogbox down onto the sphere, but the CMM does not take a "hit", I assume because there is no probe or sensor on to know that it is taking a hit. 

These are the only instructions i'm finding currently, and am at a loss... For now I can change the adapters manually, but I'd like to figure this out to save time and effort in the future. Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • Yeah, you have the steps that I'm wanting to take correct! And the resource there seems like that may help accomplish this task, although, it sounds like I would have to do this for every single program that we use? 

    This could prove to be tedious and would have to be changed as we go, since depending on the program that was ran before may or may not use the same module. so then we would have to dynamically change load probe commands as we are running just to have things work. 

    Is there not a different way that PC-dmis senses the module that it needs for a specific probe build? For example if I were to be using TP20 module, with 4X50mm tip,

    and then need to switch to the X1H module, with 8X100mm tip, would PC-DMIS not recognize that it needs to drop the tip off, then switch modules, then pick up the new tip?

  • Oh yes, if you mean like for example you are using that TP20 with the 4x50mm, then you wanted to switch to the X1H, it would drop off the tip from the TP20 automatically, then it would go to the other rack with the turnkey lock and disengage that module, and swap it out for you. I was thinking you were switching your HA-TM-31 modules repeatedly. My understanding was a little off there. We were told with that type of rack to leave slot 1 open for module swapping when using the laser scanner. I do not have a X1H module, so I do not know how smart it gets when changing to that module, and then picking up those disc probes for it. 

    I am not at work so I don't know my rack settings but if you don't get it by tomorrow, I can share with you how ours is setup

    My usage was when changing to HP-L-10.10 laser scanner, it dropped off the TP20, unlocked and removed the module, then attached the laser scanners module directly. There is no tip step for me with the laser

  • What about with the TP20, does it drop off the tip connected to the TP20 before dropping of the module and then switching to the laser scanner?

    I'm working at this currently, and can update with results that I find. Thanks