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SCAN STRIPS and color maps

I just hired on at a place that uses a laser scan (HPL5.8).  I have never received any training on this but have done well so far figuring out the details but missing so of the finer points.  The previous few programmers used color maps and I started with a nice color map but have since done something (I don't know) so that the scan strips show up starting at the alignment all the way to the end of the code.  Despite my best efforts to show the color map and hide the strips, I'm still where I started.  All I have figured out at this point is to change the colors of them.  We are running 2022.2


Parents Reply
  • What that is doing, like an alignment, whenever it is created it keeps all the label and features settings. Everything below it is part of that viewset, unless you do a new viewset or recall a different one like "STARTUP" is the default first one. That is why your labels and features keep reappearing when you click around. Edit > Graphics Display Window > View Setup is where you can customize them
