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Romer repair & calibration

When did they shut down the repair & calibration facilities in Wixom?
  • We need to send our Romer 7SI in for warranty work (sound card and possibly the counter-balance piston), an update to the RDS software (which they don't want to send us, for a constant crash fix) as well as it's first calibration (might as well, instead of sending it out again in 6 weeks) and they want us (Lansing Michigan) to ship it to....... (drum roll.....) CALIFORNIA. Really? WTF is up with that?

    When I was at Wixom for arm training, one of the others in the class had brought their arm, and they had to fix the sound & piston, so I'm trying to figure out WHY ours needs to be flown to California. The new RDS update is at Wixom as well, as far as I know, and I have paperwork from when the issues were reported, but since "we" couldn't give up the arm, it never got sent in, so, when I kept pointing out that the warranty is about to expire (and pointed out, and pointed out and pointed out) they went and 'touched base' again about getting it sent in and now they want it sent to CALIFORNIA.
  • I have been told in the past that you can take your arm right to Wixom and drop it off and depending on what you need done you can wait for the repairs/service to be done. Now you do have to schedule that but I have heard of people having that option. Maybe you could look into that. I know that Wixom was doing calibrations and some repairs so maybe with what needs done to yours it has to go to cali....
  • Ours has been in twice for repairs( one was our fault and one was "normal" wear and tear ). First time it went to Ocean Side California and the other time it went to Michigan. Either way, both times took over a month.....because they were waiting for parts from the factory......
  • Matt, they are going to call you today. Everything I see says that they shouldn't need to ship your arm to California, but just to say it that there are certainly some things the factory can do that a repair center can't, I just don't see any in what you are saying. Let me know if you don't' hear from anyone soon.

    We're all of 60 miles from Wixom....
  • Matt,

    What was the issue? I just talked to the guy who handles the Romer department in Wixom today, if he was unemployed I think he'd have mentioned it.
  • What I was told is.... 'they' (not us) decided 'they' (not us) want first year warranty 'things' done in California, even though the original warranty repair paperwork from months ago, when we couldn't be without it, had it going to Wixom for fixes. Then, when the new warranty paperwork came in, for some reason unknown to me, they wanted it changed to California. It has been 'settled' that it is going to go to Wixom instead.
  • Glad it's settled, thanks for the update.

    What I was told is.... 'they' (not us) decided 'they' (not us) want first year warranty 'things' done in California, even though the original warranty repair paperwork from months ago, when we couldn't be without it, had it going to Wixom for fixes. Then, when the new warranty paperwork came in, for some reason unknown to me, they wanted it changed to California. It has been 'settled' that it is going to go to Wixom instead.
  • Same here. There are settings, SOMEWHERE, that I want changed and I want to talk to a 'geek' about them to get them changed and changed the way I want them, and they aren't really something that it is easy to do with paperwork. BTW, I will be the one dropping it off and picking it up.