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Good looking Portable Reporting on Romer/Hexagon Arm

I had a couple questions currently my employer uses another software for laser scanning with a LLP but I am trying to explain to them since we use PCDMIS for the CMM we should also use it for the arm it would make everything more uniform measuring the same parts as far as reporting, alignments etc.. They seem to be hung up on the pretty color maps and 3d deviation points of polyworks or geomagic, i was wondering if any of you on here could enlighten me of some good looking reports with color maps, annotation points etc from a portable arm I can use as ammunition to get them to come around, i would really appreciate it even if its on the the hexagon block just something since i dont have the license for a portable arm to be able to show this.
  • LOTS of things you can do in addition to the color map with a scan in Pcdmis Portable.

    You can use AUTO FEATURES and select surface points to be pulled from the CAD data/SCAN data, uses the nominals from CAD data and reports the deviation, just like PCdmis on a CMM. You can then use DIMINFO to get the "T" (if that is all you want) deviation shown on the screen. For the CMM, you have no choice where to grab the measured values from, but with Portable, you have the option of the measured data coming from the COP. I've only played with it a time or two, mostly because the POS laptop we have will crash Pcdmis randomly while scanning, so trying to cycle multiple parts through sucks real bad as you can't save part way through.

    There is also an option to have it show the vector deviation of EVERY point in the scan, but that is insane as you have to be zoomed is so tight to be able to see individual deviation values that it is all but useless.
  • LOTS of things you can do in addition to the color map with a scan in Pcdmis Portable.

    You can use AUTO FEATURES and select surface points to be pulled from the CAD data/SCAN data, uses the nominals from CAD data and reports the deviation, just like PCdmis on a CMM. You can then use DIMINFO to get the "T" (if that is all you want) deviation shown on the screen. For the CMM, you have no choice where to grab the measured values from, but with Portable, you have the option of the measured data coming from the COP. I've only played with it a time or two, mostly because the POS laptop we have will crash Pcdmis randomly while scanning, so trying to cycle multiple parts through sucks real bad as you can't save part way through.

    There is also an option to have it show the vector deviation of EVERY point in the scan, but that is insane as you have to be zoomed is so tight to be able to see individual deviation values that it is all but useless.