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Faroarm software

I am looking at purchasing a used faro arm from a company and I guess I will be reciving all thats needed to use the faro with exception to the software. I was wondering what ideas regarding software youy might have for my application. It seems that the faro software is alot more $$$ than I want to spend on this project. I will explain exactly what Im wanting to do below.

I am a performance motorcycle shop, we do motors and suspension. I have just purchased a suspension simulation software program that the manufacturers use to help design the suspension. Since we modify this stock suspension to perform in the racing world I wanted to use this software to help with ideas we have and have more to base them on than just guessing. But anyway to the point. What I need to do is be able to plot the mounting points on the suspension system (swingarm,linkage,shock mounts,ect) So that I can measure the distance from point to point on them and put this number into the program. For example I need the center-to-center measurment of the upper and lower shock mounts. I need the point-to-point length on the swingarm pivot points and so on. So I need to be able to get these points and then the distance from point-to-point on the ones I need.

What software do you thinkcan do just this, thats all I will ever use it for.
I am also looking for a low budget software as Im not sure if once I begin to use the program if it will do what all we are looking for.

I was also wondering if its possible to have a programmer just make a application to do what I need.

Thanks for any tips and help...Slight smile

Milan Harris
Precision Racing
  • What software comes with the arm. There has to be something or how would you know arm is anygood. Yes softwares will do what you need and yes some one could write you a program to do just that. Use caution make sure arm is good before purchising also try faro website it self.
  • The arm comes with nothing as far as software. I think the company no longer needs this arm and are using something else. the software they were using is a program that they use with another device. The arm is a bronze 6 with all the tips, wire, connecters to get it operating. It was bought in 1999 and they have records of it being serviced in 2004. They have used it only a couple times since. It looks brand new. I can return if any issues with working condition. I just dont want to spend 1000.00 on program to try it and decide it is not working or that the measuments im trying to take just dont do what I want to.

    I have been searching the web but really am not sure what im looking for. I really need a program thats easy to use b/c I have no knowledge of cmm and cad software. As I was searching it seems that most any cad program will run the arm.. Is this correct? b/c I only need it to get point-to-point measuments I found several programs that were free fully functional applications. Im was hoping that with your knowlege and experiance that someone here may be able to tell me the best way to just get this point-to-point measurment in as little steps and time as possible. I have a friend thats a programmer (programs desktop windows applications) and didn't know if this is something he could write for me if anyone on this board may know of someone and if this would be best way. As I said I just need point-to-point distance and thats it for as cheap as possible, The arm is already more than I wanted to spend but I have to give it a try is see if this simulation program can do some good analsis.

    Thanks for your time and help.
  • Good Morning,
    I'm 99% sure that the arm should come with a software pkg, and if it isn't the person or company that you are buying it from is holding it back. I would reccommend walking away from the deal.
    Bottom line, you will achieve your goal for just a cpl $$. I can assusre you that this will require at least a 50k investment, but is worth it in the long run, even for your application. The R&D that you could involve would also assist you in proving out new applications and modifications with charting of all changes. Either way, with a minimal investment, the device can alsways be sold again and most or all of the investment can be recovered. My suggestions, would be to call Faro and reserch their options. You may be able to rent or lease one to see if it meets your requirements. As a sales option, you could suggest that you use one for a cpl days to see if it meets your needs. Then as for the software, there are several out there, but Faro is exclusively in with Cam2. PC DMIS can be put on it, with some work and $$

  • Im not really sure why its not coming with software, I didnt pay that much attention. Its from a local guy that buys surplus items of all kinds. I have bought several things from him and go look all the time, he seems to be a nice guy and is helpful in finding me things. I was in the other day and he had the faro arm. I have been wanting one, but dont want to spend 20,000 or so to get one. The arm looks brand new, and he has the paper work form it being serviced in 2004. I can also return the item if I dont like it for any reason. He is wanting $2,500 for the arm, and I thought that was a chance in a lifetime, it has everything to start working but the software it seems, he told be something on that deal but like I said I don't remember that part,LOL. I was busy looking at the arm b/c its super nice and has a 6ft reach.

    Is it true that any cad program will function with the arm. b/c I have found several for 1,000 or less and even several free applications. So many cad applications that I just dont know where to start for my apllication.

    I was wondering if I needed a licenced software package first for the faro and then they mean I can use any cad as a plug-in application?
  • Ok,
    The Arm will only measure or read the locations, if the software acknowledges the device. The Software that reads the arm is a metrology type software, not a cad software. These are two different elements. I may be wrong, but as far as I know, the faro arm needs a software like cam2 or pc dmis. This software will read any cad pkg, with the igs, dwg, etc as an imported file. This is known as cad interface. The price that it is going for is very very low. Generally the price is in the 30 to 50k. I ran a Faro Platinum for a while and it was great for what it was designed for. Be sure that you have a designated pc or laptop for it also. Then as mentioned, be sure that you have licensed software for any usage in the shop.

  • AS age 162 said be carefull with what you buy. Please contact faro first. Only certain softwares will work with the Faro drivers. Also certain portable arms are outdated with drivers and no longer will be supported by some companies COSTING AS MUCH AS A NEW ONE TO UPDATE . I know this because I got a romer working for a company under the same type of deal. HE bought it for only 2,000 to find out it was no longer supported by romer. Thus bieng the reason for the company getting rid of the arm in the first place.
  • I am going to call faro for sure...

    If the drivers are not up to date I assume that I just need to find software compatable with the driver..Right?

    I have found some software from IQ-metrology.com
    Its a lite version for 3,500. seems to be the best price thus far. they say its a plug and play for the faro arm bronze 6

    Does anyone have some suggestions on some software for around 1,000 or little more would be great. Im still looking though, they never tell the price and I have to email them all the time and wait for a response.

    Thanks again for the help guys.
  • Suggestion_find an arm software included_there out there try ebaySunglasses
  • I have talked with faro and have got all the service and info on the faro, It looks like I may go ahead and purchase the arm.

    He also said that a program called Anthrocam would work great for my needs and that it was availiable online as a free program. I have searched and can find nothing, does anybody have any idea on where to go? I was going to call them tomm. if I cant find by then

    Thanks Guys
  • Anthrocam appears to be an earlier version of cam2 faro software, dont forget about the dongle you will need to run software it should already be with arm. Check to be sure with faro. Goodluck to you!