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Distance between two Circles

I want to calculate the distance between two diameters. Does anybody have any ideas? Also, how do you turn on/off the Hit target direction. Mine is N/A right now and I cant figure out why. Thanks.
  • Sorry for the late reply.

    Insert/Distance, pick your two circles.

    N/A may be ok for hit direction, I think it depends on your edge tyupe.
  • Two months later I am sure he still has this job on his CMM and has been sitting on his hands waiting for someone to find the time to help him with this, all with the approval of his boss. We can only hope they will be as understanding when he tries to apply straightness to a 2D line. Innocent
  • Probably he already called tech support or searched the help or the forum and found his answer. Wes, people search the forum for answers later, and it helps to put it in. If you have a problem with me helping people, please PM me so we can discuss it.
  • Probably he already called tech support or searched the help or the forum and found his answer. Wes, people search the forum for answers later, and it helps to put it in. If you have a problem with me helping people, please PM me so we can discuss it.

    There is no need to tell you privately that I am quite disturbed. Furthermore, one of my chief irritations at the moment is the fact that pc-dmis cannot apply straightness to a 2D line, but the help menus don't tell you that, and Hexagon isn't telling us that. Apparently tech support told one user it was a bug in ver 4.3mr1. In that same thread you dismissed this as a non-issue b/c there is a "workaround" of using a 3D line. It would seem that you do not think Hexagon should inform the users of it's software when it learns certain features yield false results.

    If you have a problem with continuing to rub yours and the company you work for's, (Hexagon), nose in this unethical mess, ban me, or have me banned. I certainly have never helped anyone here.

    Not to sound apologetic, because I am not: I was only trying to make the point that if you are going to spend the time digging up and responding to months old posts, you might reconsider the straightness issue, which I feel is woefully unresolved.
  • Wes, I figured answering you would get me nowhere and it didn't. You misrepresent my statements and contradict yourself, and you propose to know what I think. I will go back to helping people, and hopefully you will too, so let's leave it at that. Thanks.
  • Wes, I figured answering you would get me nowhere and it didn't. You misrepresent my statements and contradict yourself, and you propose to know what I think. I will go back to helping people, and hopefully you will too, so let's leave it at that. Thanks.

    Sure, no problem.

    [Hyptothetical scenario]

    "Sorry Boss, straightness doesn't work, let's just leave it at that. . .

    What? No, if my paycheck bounces we can't just leave it at that. . .

    Yes I know you paid thousands for this software and you continue to pay
    thousands every year for an SMA . . . "

    [/Hypothetical scenario]

    Thanks Brian.