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Distance between two Circles

I want to calculate the distance between two diameters. Does anybody have any ideas? Also, how do you turn on/off the Hit target direction. Mine is N/A right now and I cant figure out why. Thanks.
  • Wes, I figured answering you would get me nowhere and it didn't. You misrepresent my statements and contradict yourself, and you propose to know what I think. I will go back to helping people, and hopefully you will too, so let's leave it at that. Thanks.

    Sure, no problem.

    [Hyptothetical scenario]

    "Sorry Boss, straightness doesn't work, let's just leave it at that. . .

    What? No, if my paycheck bounces we can't just leave it at that. . .

    Yes I know you paid thousands for this software and you continue to pay
    thousands every year for an SMA . . . "

    [/Hypothetical scenario]

    Thanks Brian.
  • Wes, I figured answering you would get me nowhere and it didn't. You misrepresent my statements and contradict yourself, and you propose to know what I think. I will go back to helping people, and hopefully you will too, so let's leave it at that. Thanks.

    Sure, no problem.

    [Hyptothetical scenario]

    "Sorry Boss, straightness doesn't work, let's just leave it at that. . .

    What? No, if my paycheck bounces we can't just leave it at that. . .

    Yes I know you paid thousands for this software and you continue to pay
    thousands every year for an SMA . . . "

    [/Hypothetical scenario]

    Thanks Brian.
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