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Manual hit target missing

Lately, while in manual mode, the vision measurement tool is not appearing. You are asked to "align hit target" with your feature, but there is no hit target to measure with.

Anyone know what's up with this?
  • Not sure to understand...Maybe you're too far from theo ?
  • Is the hit target toggle turned off? Looks like a red bullseye under the live view?
  • I have seen it where the manual hit target is shown way away from the part. Weird. You go to your CAD view and zoom out and try to find it. Drag it, with the mouse, and put it into your field of view.
  • Try Probe toolbox / Hit Targets tab / Center Hit Targets button in lower left of page.
  • In versions 2013 and 2014 creating a manual point with a selected target was no problem, but it wasn’t always there when the program was executed. It would allow selecting the point with a mouse click. Version 2015.1 MR1 doesn’t seem to have that problem.

    Sometimes I would try and use a circle target to locate a point at the center of a circle to use as an alignment. The circle target was there for the creation of the point, but a crosshair would be used in execution. A point only has the option of Manual Hit Target or Automatic Hit Target. If a manual circle is created instead of a point, there are the additional options of Gage Hit Target and Optical Comparator Hit Target.

    I’ve used the Gage Hit Target to get a circle to match the size of a hole that’s in the field of view. The circle size in the Auto Feature window does not change when the target is resized by dragging the edge with the mouse. That has to be keyed in to match the target size. Clicking the Read Point from Machine button below the X, Y and Z coordinates is also necessary. Measuring as a circle will get the center point location that I need. In version 2013 and 2014 a circle size and location would be accepted in one step. In 2015.1 SP1 (I never used 2015 or 2015.1 before SP1) a dashed circle target has a crosshair tangent to the circle. It takes three hits to create the circle, with the crosshair moving 120° between hits.
  • This tends to happen when I program on a model. Then during execution, the hit target is way out in space. In manual, the hit target should move with me, should it not? If I move to take the feature off the part, then the part no longer lines up with the model.
  • This tends to happen when I program on a model. Then during execution, the hit target is way out in space. In manual, the hit target should move with me, should it not? If I move to take the feature off the part, then the part no longer lines up with the model.

    I don't use CAD models so it's difficult for me to answer that. When you say "In manual..." are you talking about manual mode as opposed to DCC mode or a manual hit target as opposed to an automatic hit target?