I am using an Optiv 543. Using the camera, I am trying to create a curve to use for a 2d profile. I managed to use auto profile 2d to measure a curve, but when I plug that curve into the line profile characteristic. I get no deviation, and there should be at least .001" Also the curve I did measure would have <50% point coverage on High. I would get 100% point coverage on Low.
I figured out how to generate a curve using the clipping plane (very similar to Calypso
(I managed to create the curve, using auto profile 2d, but it goes all around the part.
I want only the small area between the two black circles on the model (pictured at right)
I figured out how to generate a curve using the clipping plane (very similar to Calypso
(I managed to create the curve, using auto profile 2d, but it goes all around the part.
I want only the small area between the two black circles on the model (pictured at right)