I like our Optiv 321GLtp, but one thing I have not been able to figure out is softening machine lines. The machine has a hard time deciphering between machine lines, the correct shadow, and the material to the left of the machined surface. This is at 1x zoom. We have another vision system that is zoomed out further, which in turn, "softens" the machine lines in order to pick up the edge correctly. We are going to try to implement that one to do these checks, but have not because there is a flatness callout on the machined surface. So the O ptiv is a one-stop-shop. I have tried top light, shutting off rings lights, filtering, RGB mixing, etc to automate the edge pickup. None of this works so it is a manual measurement.
Is there a way to soften those machine lines for the vision to grab the thin black shadow that is near the crosshairs?
I'm not at the cmm, you can choose theindicated edge, the major" edge...
In one of those choices, you can indicate the number of the edge that you want.
If you choose searching from blak to white, out to in, first edge, you should find the right one...
I'm not at the cmm, you can choose theindicated edge, the major" edge...
In one of those choices, you can indicate the number of the edge that you want.
If you choose searching from blak to white, out to in, first edge, you should find the right one...