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delete 1 part

i ran 6 parts all sent to data page. #3 needs to be reran. what i do is go to datapage editor , view/datavalues/data and cause codes highlight the line i want to delete then go to edit delete selected transations and its gone. or run new part as # 7 then go the the same location but highlight #7 hit control c then highlight #3 and hit cntrl v and it pastes . then delete #7 and renumber in trace fields. it this a good way to do this.
  • Usually if I run a set of parts and send to Data Page the stats count will say 1,2,3,4,5,6 if I run six parts. If in checking those parts I found I got bad readings of let us say no 2 and no 5 of my stats count then I would run two more parts and change the stats number in PCdmis. One as number 2 and one as number 5. In Data Page It will show the stats count numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,2,5,. You can pick what parts you want within the report. So knowing I have a second 2 and 5 I know the first two were not good. So I do not use them within my reports. I know you can edit everything within the Editor, I have done this before. I am not sure if you can totally delete a whole part by itself. I don’t think so. Matthew D. Hoedeman is pretty good within Data Page maybe he will answer you.
  • That would work! Leave cuurrent re run, copy new and paste into old Then delete #7 JC
  • delete

    thanks for getting back. i just worry about messing up the data base.
  • This was written by someone else I will post it.

    Clean up Datapage database
    Clean up Datapage database
    Datapage does NOT even delete any data or parts that you tell it to. It simply hides the data and makes it unreadable. This would not be a big problem except for the fact that none of that data will ever get written over, so your database gets bigger and bigger and bigger. To clean out the database of all old (hidden, deleted, gone) data, do this:

    1) Locate the directory where the databse is.
    2) Copy all the file that are there into a subdirectory (I will use the current date for the sub-directory name)
    3) Open DPEditor (Datapage Editor)
    4) Click on DATABASE (top-left corner)
    5) Click on ASCII Archive ~ DUMP
    6) In the pop-up window, click on List DB. It will then let you view a list of ALL un-deleted parts in the database
    7) Click on any and all that you want to remaine in the database (don't click on those that you want left out from the new database)
    8 ) Enter a file name in the box for 'Enter the File Name'. This will be the file that will hold all the data from the database, use an 8.3 name format (12345678.123)
    9) Click on DUMP.

    When it is done processing, the process-pop-up will show COMPLETE, then you click on COMPLETE. Then cancel out of the DUMP window and CLOSE DPEditor

    You now have an ASCII archive of ALL the data you want to save and move to the new database.

    Go back to the directory where the database files were (where you copied the files to a subdirectory)

    Delete ALL files (but not the sub directories, JUSt the files!)

    Open DPEditor again.

    At this point, you will probably get an error message saying that the database could not be found. Simply cancel the error or close it, which ever it needs

    Now, you need to make a NEW database

    1) Click on DATABASE
    2) Click on NEW
    3) In the pop-up, enter the full path to where the database was, or you can BROWSE for it. You MUST use the same path as it was before, OR none of your program will send the data to the right place and you will get a headache
    4) Once you have the correct path for the database entered, click OK to create the new database.
    5) Click on DATABASE
    6) Click on ASCII Archive ~ LOAD
    7) Enter in the name of the file you created in STEP 8 above
    8 ) Click on LOAD
    9) When it is done processing, you will have loaded all the data you save (including transactions and variable sets) into the new database.

    You should NOW have a 'clean' database to work with, without any hidden data that you have previously deleted.