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DataPage Power Exit

Our production part audit programs use a subroutine that sends a DataPage Spreadsheet report to a .txt file, which then goes to an Excel spreadsheet to display run charts. DP must be running to send the report.

Earlier this week, one of our machines started throwing me out of DP, displaying this message: “DataPage has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.” This happened with every run of a part. (The other machine keeps measuring parts and sending reports with no issues.) After archiving the database and deleting tons of data, the problem went away – for a while. Now it kicks me out every third part. My response is to ‘unlock database’ (in DP Editor) and delete xstats11.tmp if needed. It is almost always 0KB file size. Then ctrl-U at the ‘statson’ line and everything is back to normal. For three parts.

Any suggestions? (DP v3.33)

Thanks in advance.
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