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Usually I can get Datapage to run thru the basics for me so I can at least get a .txt report out to the girl in engineering but yesterday it started freaking out on me and I'm not real sure why.....
I started running my 6 pcs thru the machine as usual but when it reached the end of the first part and I hit the yes button to save the stats, it told me that "XXX directory was not available". Well that's BS cuz I'm looking at the directory, but I didn't know what else to do so I hit ok AND THEN it started saving from a previous job I'd run last week???? It went thru and save all 6 of these parts from a different job AND THEN it started to save the part that I'd just run?!?! WTH.....
not wanting to mess with it at that point, just trying to get the parts out and go home, I checked datapage and the file was there and looked to be whole so I decided to run part #2. At the end of part # 2 it went thru the whole routine again, saving all 6 parts from the previous job before saving part #1, again from the current job and then saving part #2..........
it went thru this whole process for all 6 parts, saving everything, everytime. What the heck is going on?????
I know it's not realistic but just once I'd like to have a whole week go by without any PC-DMIS glitches......
Usually I can get Datapage to run thru the basics for me so I can at least get a .txt report out to the girl in engineering but yesterday it started freaking out on me and I'm not real sure why.....
I started running my 6 pcs thru the machine as usual but when it reached the end of the first part and I hit the yes button to save the stats, it told me that "XXX directory was not available". Well that's BS cuz I'm looking at the directory, but I didn't know what else to do so I hit ok AND THEN it started saving from a previous job I'd run last week???? It went thru and save all 6 of these parts from a different job AND THEN it started to save the part that I'd just run?!?! WTH.....
not wanting to mess with it at that point, just trying to get the parts out and go home, I checked datapage and the file was there and looked to be whole so I decided to run part #2. At the end of part # 2 it went thru the whole routine again, saving all 6 parts from the previous job before saving part #1, again from the current job and then saving part #2..........
it went thru this whole process for all 6 parts, saving everything, everytime. What the heck is going on?????
I know it's not realistic but just once I'd like to have a whole week go by without any PC-DMIS glitches......
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