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James, do they want a process chart in every PC-DMIS report, or do they want real time stats?
For real time stats (nearly) use Datapage and Monitor mode, and setup the monitor right on the managers desk so he can click at any time and get the current chart.
If he wants something where he doesn't even have to click once, QC-Calc integrates with PC-DMIS and will show live charts on screen.
If they actually want that chart in the report every time (seems like a waste to me), I'd setup a macro in Datapage to create the chart and print it (easy) and then make sure it prints to PDF append to the report. This takes a little organization to setup. There is some integration that is going to happen with PC-DMIS and Datapage over time, but I don't know if I like it, because I want my stats separate from my part runs.
James, do they want a process chart in every PC-DMIS report, or do they want real time stats?
For real time stats (nearly) use Datapage and Monitor mode, and setup the monitor right on the managers desk so he can click at any time and get the current chart.
If he wants something where he doesn't even have to click once, QC-Calc integrates with PC-DMIS and will show live charts on screen.
If they actually want that chart in the report every time (seems like a waste to me), I'd setup a macro in Datapage to create the chart and print it (easy) and then make sure it prints to PDF append to the report. This takes a little organization to setup. There is some integration that is going to happen with PC-DMIS and Datapage over time, but I don't know if I like it, because I want my stats separate from my part runs.
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