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Stats count issue..anyone ?

Ok, in running a multiple run program, lets say for 50 parts ( IE, the program runs and asks the operator if he wants to run another part and goes to a Label) I use the "stats update" command. Previously, I just used the "stats end" command and what would happen is that it would store all the parts we ran and then when the operator said "No" to running anymore parts, it would send all 50 results to Datapage at once. The stats count would work fine. It is taking too long to update the database for all those parts, plus, if the operator does something screwy, he could lose all the previous data. I decided that it would be better to send each result out. The problem I am getting is that it sends it, but the stats count skips and uses every second number ( IE, 2,4,6,8)
even though I have only run 4 parts. Has anyone figured a way to fix this ???