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We transfer Data to Shop floor using the X-stats. Shop floor picks up the X-stats and creates the SPC, also creates a back-up file. This works great 99.9% of the time. The other .1% creates 2 back -up files one is correct the other is empty, both has the same time stamp. It appers that PC-Dmis is creating 1 x-stat at correctly,and creating another x-stats empty. Is there any thing that will cause PC-Dmis to create an extra x-stats. It happens an different programs, at different times and different operators. I'm not sure how to prove or disprove that this is a PC-dmis issue. Thanks for any help..
  • No mention of pcdmis version, how "shop floor picks up the X-stats", what stats package you are using, OS running.
    Pcdmis creates a temp file to hold the stat information, when it is ready to call DPUPDATE (which is the program which reads the stats file), pcdmis will append the information in the temporary file to XSTATS11.TMP. The temporary file is then deleted. Pcdmis will then call/execute DPUPDATE which has the responisibity to either clear out the XSTATS11.TMP file (no errors) or leave it intact (errors).

    You could be using some other STATS command to transfer the information but, again, no clear indication on what you are doing.

    Since you do not mention DataPage I can only assume you are using some other SPC package that attempts to mimic DataPage. The XSTATS11.TMP file is always created in the same place so I do not know what "extra x-stats" means.