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Unknown Datapage Import Issue

We are having an issue with Datapage+ when it tries to import a .xml file created by PC-Dmis.
The .xml file creates properly, and the file extension is appended with the ".$$$", but instead of DataImporter displaying "succeeded" we get an error, and the new part would not appear inside datapage.
I am unfortunately not able to reproduce this error today.
A restart did not fix the issue.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
  • Can you attach the error you are seeing?

    Unfortunately, no. The error hasn't shown up again for whatever reason. I was just wondering if any one else had experienced anything like this in the past, and what, if anything we can do to see that it doesn't happen in the future. We lost a few hours of work that day trying to figure out what the issue was.
  •  I saw a similar error the other day, and I'm able to reproduce the issue. I have NO idea why it's happening though.

    It makes no sense to me because the files were fresh part program runs that had not been imported before.
  • No, this was not my error. The message that I got referred to what I can only assume is a file name, or type of file that and underscores in it. I really wish I had taken a screen shot that day....
  • ImpelDan, this looks like a connection to the SQL.
    Restart the Data Importer and try again.
    If you still have an issue - refer to your local Hexagon office to report the issue to Wilcox.
  • Impeldan,

    I've seen it do a few different things, I got that message when I tried to import more than one piece of data at once. If I only do a single file then it throws back an error with the filename but still similar. I doubt it's a SQL connection error, Data Importer doesn't actually need an active SQL connection to input data to the database as far as I've seen. I've been able to use data importer to put data into a database on a PC that didn't even have SQL installed. Just a database on the hard drive.
  • To Omega3: We had the issue even after shutting down/restarting everything. The whole computer and machine were shut down and restarted. Still had the issue that day.

    To Kaji: While I suppose it is possible that it was trying to import more than 1 piece of data, this seems unlikely. We tried a few different times, even created a new 'dummy' program to see if it would work, but we still got the error that day. We have not seen this issue since, however.
    Not sure if this is relevant or not, but the Datapage database was on the same computer that was running the machine. There should not have been any type of communication issues.