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Database analogy

In the middle of the night, for some odd reason, this came to me. I wanted to post it here before I forgot, though it may be a bit outdated.

Years ago I remember talking to many people about the DataPage/RT database. When people reported some odd issues, we would often say that maybe the database was corrupted. Or, in general, if we wanted to try to improve efficiency, we would also point to the database. We would say it was fragmented. We would recommend that they do a full ASCII Export, create a new database, and then do an ASCII Import.

Think of it this way. You go fishing all season long, casting over and over again. Sometimes you reel it in slow, other times fast. Sometimes they are long casts, other times just into the rocks at your feet. Sometimes the line gets snagged, so you reel it in part way, tug it a few times till its free, and then reel in the rest. Sometimes the reel gives you trouble as you've cast, so you take it apart and work on it while the line sits out there. After all this, all the line is inside the reel, but you know its a mess. Some sections are loose, at different places along the spool. One way to solve this is to draw out all the line right to the end, and then while applying a little tension, you reel it all back in. This packs the line tight and orderly, and eliminates the problems you were having. This is analogous to the ASCII Dump/Load procedure for the old DataPage/RT.

I just had to share that, thanks for reading.
  • Nice analogy! But what I really want is a way to do like that with a PC-DMIS part program - it is also a database, we get reminded now and then.
  • ...yeah, release the partprogram file specification so we can start coding some utilities for them. Sunglasses
  • Nice analogy! But what I really want is a way to do like that with a PC-DMIS part program - it is also a database, we get reminded now and then.

    Actually, there used to be a way, long ago, we had an export/import through what was called DIMS. It worked well too.
  • Would these "odd issues" include things such as label position not being saved, CAD position not being saved, and general lack of being able to repeat a report?
  • Would these "odd issues" include things such as label position not being saved, CAD position not being saved, and general lack of being able to repeat a report?

    I don't believe so, but those issue you've listed do sound very familiar. Have you tried clicking on the RESET USER buttons in the Settings Editor? This option will essentially remove the custom configuration files in the user folder. This stores information related to custom screen layouts you may have designed, toolbar positions, etc. By clicking on this button, they will return to their default state. For some reason these files are easily corrupted, and lead to such issues.
  • I don't believe so, but those issue you've listed do sound very familiar. Have you tried clicking on the RESET USER buttons in the Settings Editor? This option will essentially remove the custom configuration files in the user folder. This stores information related to custom screen layouts you may have designed, toolbar positions, etc. By clicking on this button, they will return to their default state. For some reason these files are easily corrupted, and lead to such issues.

    This wouldn't affect the existing report files that I've made, would it? It would be disastrous if I lost any of the work that has been done.

    I'm having to put together 20-30 page CAD/Custom reports and I'm running into nothing but problems. Just last night, I had a situation where a report that I have been able to repeat twice decided to keep CAD and label position, but call in the wrong feature variables. I've gotten so fed up with lack of repeatability that I'm starting to just export the report files to my desktop and edit them in Notepad++ to get the right points. Sadly, this seems to be faster and more reliable than actually using the software.
    The Hexagon guys came to our site and told us that they have no idea what's causing it and that they couldn't repeat the problem. I thought it may be a problem with our hardware/network being ancient, but was able to reproduce it using a fresh install of Datapage 2012 and their local demo database and a completely capable laptop.
    I've discovered that switching to the tiled mode when saving and when opening the report helps a little, but still takes a lot of manual tweaking to get a usable report. Section cuts, for example, have to be turned to wire-frame and back to solid-transparent just to show up.

    This is the typical layout I have to use. I've had the best results with the Custom Report tab, but can't get more than one CAD control to stay reliably so I use images wherever possible.
  • AlliumPorrum, I've asked some else, who is more familiar with this issue, to comment. I would recommend that in the future you create a separate thread for different issue(s), and it will likely get more direct attention.
  • AlliumPorrum, I've asked some else, who is more familiar with this issue, to comment. I would recommend that in the future you create a separate thread for different issue(s), and it will likely get more direct attention.

    Does the fact that the report templates are read only have anything to do with this? I've had success by going in to the reporting directory and setting all the file permissions for open access (uncheck the read only box).