OK, so I discovered yesterday that Datapage has a limit as to how many records can be selected at a time. This magic number seems to be around 2000...anything over that and Datapage crashes.
I have a part that has approx. 68,000 records...I need to export to excel the last...say...16,000 records...
so, since I'm limited by the software to 2000 at a time....the first 2K are no problem. The next 7 groups of 2K, however....
I can select all, select none & select last"xx"....I'm wondering how to select records 2001-4000 without individually clicking on each one...I tried Shift+Click to no avail...
click on the first transaction you want to highlight it, hold the shift key and scroll down to the last transaction and click on that, they should all be highlighted, then hit the space bar. This should select (checkmark) all highlighted items.