Can someone point me in the direction of a website or book that will help me create a custom template in Datapage+ 5.2? I'm seriously underwhelmed at the online course. Yes, I know Hexagon is dropping support, but I gotta use what we have. Do I need a course in SQL Express or Microsoft Office? All we're trying to do is create a custom template that reports the range on most features, but can also report individual values on the Key Characteristics (KC Features).
There's too much online stuff for anything and everything SQL for you to go out and spend $$ on a class. I've got a MySQL background (self taught / google taught) and recently picked up T-SQL to play with what you're talking about here. I went with with Excel macros querys that populates ranges automatically depending on part#/Job#/etc. input as a proof of concept. I plan to seal everything up in a .Net application for operators/QEs to use.