I run a program get my 30 pcs data send it to data page and the calculation from data page is different when done with a calculator. I got a cp 5.18 and a cpk of 5.21. I thought the cp had to be bigger? Then when I did it on my calculator I got the cp at 5.55 and the cpk at 5.52
Actually it is of an ID 2.246 - 2.250 inches. every once in awhile we get a cpk off the data page that has the cpk messed up not sure why. I asked the guy who wrote the program and he is not sure himself.
Actually it is of an ID 2.246 - 2.250 inches. every once in awhile we get a cpk off the data page that has the cpk messed up not sure why. I asked the guy who wrote the program and he is not sure himself.