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Reaching out as I'm currently looking for a workaround regarding large amounts of data.
We have close to 40 CMMs here running 24/7 and STATS ON/OFF'ing into a database on a SQL Server. It's been a couple weeks since a project was implemented at one of our remote facilities and I've stumbled across a problem. This query is coming out of PCDMIS as these programs run and is taking a very long time to complete,
SELECT "Transaction_SID","Variable_SID","Data_Value", "Exc lude" FROM "Transaction_Data"
There are currently 903995 records in that table and it's rapidly increasing. Every time a part is ran with STATS ON/OFF it is running this query - which is adding around ~15 seconds to complete. This will only get worse as more records are added. The funny thing is I can't see a reason to return Every value ever entered into this table.
Has anyone run across something like this before and if so how have you handled this?
Reaching out as I'm currently looking for a workaround regarding large amounts of data.
We have close to 40 CMMs here running 24/7 and STATS ON/OFF'ing into a database on a SQL Server. It's been a couple weeks since a project was implemented at one of our remote facilities and I've stumbled across a problem. This query is coming out of PCDMIS as these programs run and is taking a very long time to complete,
SELECT "Transaction_SID","Variable_SID","Data_Value", "Exc lude" FROM "Transaction_Data"
There are currently 903995 records in that table and it's rapidly increasing. Every time a part is ran with STATS ON/OFF it is running this query - which is adding around ~15 seconds to complete. This will only get worse as more records are added. The funny thing is I can't see a reason to return Every value ever entered into this table.
Has anyone run across something like this before and if so how have you handled this?
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