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Multi-Part program + sending individual data to Datapage!!!!! Help Please!!!

Looking for help please!!!

I have been tasked with implementing an SPC process on a group of parts.

I was thinking of creating a "KC program" in which I have 4 of the same part located on a fixture.

The issue I have is I want to be able to send the individual data of each component to Datapage in order to monitor the SPC.

Obviously I is a bit of a mind field due the fact I need to have all the trace fields completed so that Datapage can read the information.

Instead of using the Stats transfer we have an external command that sends the data to a holding area and then Dataimporter extracts that information and inputs int the Datapage database, see below.

{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tAnnotation 2019-05-25 064015.jpg Views:\t13 Size:\t9.2 KB ID:\t450131","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"450131","data-size":"full","title":"Annotation 2019-05-25 064015.jpg"}

If anyone could help or even know if this is possible it would be much appreciated.
  • You would have to start the datapagestats.exe with a -L at the beginning of the loop and then call the datapagestats.exe at the end with a -E to signify closing the xml file. This would created data files for each part as a separate entity.


    C:\Program files (x86)\WAI\Datapage+ 5.0\Datapagestats.exe -L (this string sets the stats utility to actively listen to the program as it's running and only gather data from ran features.)
    C:\Program files (x86)\WAI\Datapage+ 5.0\Datapagestats.exe -E (this string ends the data collection and generates the XML file)

    I see you're using case statements too so it's going to requires some extra work to do but it's possible.
  • Peter,

    Thanks very much for your response.

    i haven't been on in a while so apologies for the lateness in the reply.

    I will give this a try when I get the opportunity.

  • Peter,

    Just to give you an update.

    Thanks very much for you help regarding this. I trialed this out using a quick program checking two small blocks. And the datapage string worked great. Thank you.

    I had to do a bit of cheating with the program. As I had to copy and paste the first part to the second so that the location names would be the same. So that it reports in Datapage correctly. But it works and will allow me to do what I need to do.

    Much appreciated

  • Just a side note, you should probably put an operator comment with a 5 second pause after the -L command, PC-DMIS takes a second or two to start the listening command up and the next few lines of code will not be read, so for example if you have a tracefield right after a listening command PC-DMIS may skip it and not send it to stats. So Generally I like to put a pause of a few seconds after my listening command.
  • im actually having an issue with that to be honest.

    Im using tracefields directly after the listening command, but the tracefield data will only send to Datapage when they are set to DISPLAY. I have configured them so that they are populate using variables that are completed at the very beginning of the program, so that all the parts can be loaded and just run continuously without stopping. When set to NO DISPLAY the tracefield data does not send to Datapage.

    Have you any suggestions?

    I was even thinking if there was a way to input any script that will hit ok on the tracefield box so that the user does not need to hit ok.

    This box comes up when the tracefield is set to DISPLAY and im finding that this is the only way the tracefield information will send to Datapage.
  • Peter thanks very much for your help

    putting in the delay worked

    This has helped me get things started with the multi pallet system thanks
  • Peter thanks very much for your help

    putting in the delay worked

    This has helped me get things started with the multi pallet system thanks

    So everything is working? Let us know if you're still having issues.
  • I created a quick trial program and that worked ok. just now waiting on components from the machine to trial the program but im hopeful that it will work

    thanks for your help
  • hi peter,

    ive come across something and wondering if you can help me.

    When im sending information to Datapage using the waiting and ending code I seem to be getting a number of transactions for each part but only one of them has any data the rest are blank.

    when I conducted the trial I wasn't getting tis issue I am wondering if there could be too much of a delay

    would you have any ideas?

    I can send screenshots if you require them.

  • JDeanie1989, I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back to you on this. I was working with a customer yesterday and he reminded me that there is a config file that has this setting.

    in C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\DataPage+\Globalsettings.xml you will find an entry listed below.

    <XML TreatLoopAsTransaction="true" NeedMergeExistingTransactions="false" UniqueKeyFieldName="[Transaction_Date]" ContainSpecialTraces="false" LotTraceNames="LOT,LOT#,LOTNUMBER" LotIndexTraceNames="SAMPLE" GaugeOperatorTraceNames="OPERATOR" GaugeIDTraceNames="GAGEID,GAUGEID">
    <IsEnabled Value="true" />
    <Encoding Value="(Auto-Detect)" />

    Change the true statement to false if you wish loops to be treated as the same transaction.