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Data Page 5.2 CAD Report (Dimension Variable Order)

I am generating a CAD report in the software. Is it possible to manipulate the order of the dimension variables in Data Page? The order that the dimensions are in when imported into Data Page from PC Dmis are not the order I want the dimensions to be in when I generate the CAD report in Data Page. This is because I want the dimensions to be in a geographical order so that the CAD report is logical. Otherwise the dimension locations are jumping around to different areas of the part. I tried to create a "Variable Set" and was hoping I could put all of the dimensions in desired order. This did not work as when I recalled the variable set and generated the report the labels were not located in the order of my created variable set. I know that I could achieve this by rearranging my dimension order in PC Dmis but this that would require a great deal of work. Thank you!
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