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Database System Error: 127

Our 2nd shift guy thought he was creating a database to put his stats in but only created the folder. He ran the program and nothing happened so he gave up on that.
He then went to an existing program that we frequently run which also stores that data in datapage. This worked fine for about 7 parts and now we get and error.
Database Error: Database System Error: 127 Database files do not exist in selected directory.
If we click on the "OK" two to three times, it then sends the stats to the files.
Unfortunately, everytime we run a part you have to go through this process, and it appears to be resending all of the parts since this issue occurred.
Any thoughts?

Datapage 3.33
  • In the Pcdmis INSTALL directory is a file called XSTATS11.TMP, delete it.
  • That wont have any effect on the stats that are already saved will it?
  • NOPE. Any data already sent to Datapage will stay in datapage. That file is the 'holding' area for 'current' data from Pcdmis. When he tried to send data to a database that didn't exist, Pcdmis and the DPUPdate couldn't find it, so it left the data in that file so YOU, the operator, could fix it and then use Datapage to import the data. It will KEEP all data in the file that it can NOT load into Datapage until you either MAKE the database it is looking for or correct the database in the XSTATS11.TMP file or until you delete the file. Any and all data that is already in Datapage is NOT going to go awway if you delete the file.
  • XSTATS11.TMP returned

    I deleted this file a few days ago, and it cleared up the faults, but today it returned. Does anyone know why it would return, and how I can keep it from returning, or will I just have to keep deleting it periodically? Thanks for your help.
  • This a good question, but I can't figure out why it would come up again.Confused
    Matt explained this error to me also, as I deleted this temp. file and have had zero problems.
    Just does not make sense. (To me anyway). But then again, some things never do.
  • The only way it would come up again is if a part program was executed, stats were being saved, and the database path specified in the part program was not correct.
  • The file is supposed to return. XSTATS is a holding area to temporaily(sp?) store the data as it is transfered from PCDMIS to Datapage. If everything is working properly it will empty itself after each successful transfer. If for some reason the data is not properly transfered it will hold on to the data and not clean itself out, thus causing a compounding problem evert time you try to send to datapage. In my experience the most often occuring problem is that you are trying to send data to a datapage file that doesn't exist or has become corrupted. Check the statistics command in your program and verify that the file name is correct.
  • Also, check into this....

    Database errors like that sometimes cause a few files to get scrambled up. if you got to your Datapage directory & go into your database subdirectory, you will see a bunch of files. If you rename vista.taf to vista.taf.old & lockmgr.dbl to lockmgr.dbl.old & delete any 0 byte .DBU files, that will usually take care of your problem. Vista.taf & lockmgr.dbl will be recreated correctly the next time stats are sent to the database.

    hope this helps.
  • Also, check into this....
    If you rename vista.taf to vista.taf.old & lockmgr.dbl to lockmgr.dbl.old. Vista.taf & lockmgr.dbl will be recreated correctly the next time stats are sent to the database.

    These are the locking files for the database. If you do this with someone using any datapage product pointing to this database you will most likely corrupt it.

    These files do not generate the 127 error. An invalid database path does.
  • These are the locking files for the database. If you do this with someone using any datapage product pointing to this database you will most likely corrupt it.

    These files do not generate the 127 error. An invalid database path does.
    I've had to delete these files when I couldn't unlock the database or access it. Deleating them was the only way that I could gain access. I only have a single seat license, so it was never an issue for me.