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I'd be concerned using a planar probe (bottom of disk) to find the 'very top of a pointy, sharp edge in the +Z'.
It is not a Quindos issue, but rather a 'metrology issue'.... if your tolerances are tight, then I would hesitate to use the bottom of a disk probe to do such. The CMM disk not recognize where on the bottom of the disk/planar probe that the point is taken, so if the bottom of the disk is not orthogonal to your Z, then introducing a cosine error.
I'd be concerned using a planar probe (bottom of disk) to find the 'very top of a pointy, sharp edge in the +Z'.
It is not a Quindos issue, but rather a 'metrology issue'.... if your tolerances are tight, then I would hesitate to use the bottom of a disk probe to do such. The CMM disk not recognize where on the bottom of the disk/planar probe that the point is taken, so if the bottom of the disk is not orthogonal to your Z, then introducing a cosine error.
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