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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.

  • I'm not getting into a war with you, Just like you said wearing a seatbelt is my choice, No, No it isn't, they made that a law, doesn't sound like a choice of my own. That was the point I was making. Same way with the shot, as it has saved lives,<<well supposedly, it has also screwed people up and has also killed quite of few because some have had bad reactions to the shot, let's not tell just half the story, I myself have 1 and only one true story that a guy I know crashed in a car and wasn't wearing a seat belt, hit a telephone pole, went through the windshield and walked away, The engine of the truck ended up in the drivers seat, which would have most likely crushed him or killed him. Now I'm not saying because of this one particular incident you should not wear a seatbelt, It just so happen it was in this guys favor, but he was lucky enough to go to court, because he was issued a seatbelt ticket. Doesn't sound like choice to me.

    Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you choose to drive, you must obey the rules or pay the consequences. You cannot just drive as fast as you want either, there are speed limits. You can choose to follow those rules or pay the consequences. You can also choose to not use a motor vehicle at all and none of those rules apply to you. You cannot put on the shot when you go out and then take it off when you go home. You are comparing an irreversible medical procedure to something you can take on or off whenever you want. The law is generally worded that you must wear a seatbelt IF you are an occupant in a MOVING motor vehicle. If the vehicle is not moving, no seatbelt required. If you leave the vehicle, you don't have to have a seatbelt outside of the vehicle. Once you get the vaccine, it cannot be "put on" or "taken off" at your choosing, you always have it "on you". Comparing a removable safety device to a permanent medical procedure is comparing apples to oranges.

    As stated above, I am not going to argue over where your feelings start and where the law should end. You can keep pounding that keyboard if you want to, that is your choice, but I am out. That is my choice.

  • Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you choose to drive, you must obey the rules or pay the consequences. You cannot just drive as fast as you want either, there are speed limits. You can choose to follow those rules or pay the consequences. You can also choose to not use a motor vehicle at all and none of those rules apply to you. You cannot put on the shot when you go out and then take it off when you go home. You are comparing an irreversible medical procedure to something you can take on or off whenever you want. The law is generally worded that you must wear a seatbelt IF you are an occupant in a MOVING motor vehicle. If the vehicle is not moving, no seatbelt required. If you leave the vehicle, you don't have to have a seatbelt outside of the vehicle. Once you get the vaccine, it cannot be "put on" or "taken off" at your choosing, you always have it "on you". Comparing a removable safety device to a permanent medical procedure is comparing apples to oranges.

    As stated above, I am not going to argue over where your feelings start and where the law should end. You can keep pounding that keyboard if you want to, that is your choice, but I am out. That is my choice.

    There's a brainwashed statement. Driving is not a privilege. If driving was a Privilege, Then I wouldn't have to pay taxes for roads, I wouldn't have to buy my own vehicle. If I didn't have to pay for all that out of my own pocket, I pay to have stop signs or lights or speed signs, to make it safe for me and others, and so do you. Your drivers license is just an agreement to play by the rules because you're driving a loaded weapon, and after you blow it so many times, not follow the laws to make it safe. You lose the RIGHT to drive.
  • Here's a thought. If driving is a Privilege, and I can't afford a Lamborghini, how do I earn the Privilege to drive one?

  • There's a brainwashed statement. Driving is not a privilege. If driving was a Privilege, Then I wouldn't have to pay taxes for roads, I wouldn't have to buy my own vehicle. If I didn't have to pay for all that out of my own pocket, I pay to have stop signs or lights or speed signs, to make it safe for me and others, and so do you. Your drivers license is just an agreement to play by the rules because you're driving a loaded weapon, and after you blow it so many times, not follow the laws to make it safe. You lose the RIGHT to drive.

    Show me the legal document that shows driving a motor vehicle is a right or tuck your tail between your legs and admit you are wrong.

    I will even assist you: There are currently no state or federal rights for operation of a motor vehicle. There are federal court decisions that state that, if you are afforded the PRIVILAGE of operating a motor vehicle, you have the RIGHT to use publicly funded roads. There are currently 3 cases before the Supreme Court: Bernard v. Minnesota, Birchfield v. North Dakota, and Beylund v. Levi. Any of those 3 could result in a decision to make operating a motor vehicle a right instead of a privilege. Until then, driving does not fall under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution, as ruled by previous Supreme Court rulings, and is therefore a privilege and not a right.

  • Show me the legal document that shows driving a motor vehicle is a right or tuck your tail between your legs and admit you are wrong.

    I will even assist you: There are currently no state or federal rights for operation of a motor vehicle. There are federal court decisions that state that, if you are afforded the PRIVILAGE of operating a motor vehicle, you have the RIGHT to use publicly funded roads. There are currently 3 cases before the Supreme Court: Bernard v. Minnesota, Birchfield v. North Dakota, and Beylund v. Levi. Any of those 3 could result in a decision to make operating a motor vehicle a right instead of a privilege. Until then, driving does not fall under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Constitution, as ruled by previous Supreme Court rulings, and is therefore a privilege and not a right.

    The only reason why it's not stated as a right is because there was no such thing as a motor vehicle when the constitution was written, take for instances the right to bear arms is a right, but if you go out and start killing people then you lose that right, the only reason why they use privilege is that they would have to change the constitution. Plus it can give them power over the people. Privilege is something given to you, a right is something you have, No one gave me roads, I helped pay for them, no one gave my vehicle, I paid for that too. You still haven't answered my question, How do I get the privilege to drive a Lamborghini, if I can't afford one?

  • The only reason why it's not stated as a right is because there was no such thing as a motor vehicle when the constitution was written, take for instances the right to bear arms is a right, but if you go out and start killing people then you lose that right, the only reason why they use privilege is that they would have to change the constitution. Plus it can give them power over the people. Privilege is something given to you, a right is something you have, No one gave me roads, I helped pay for them, no one gave my vehicle, I paid for that too. You still haven't answered my question, How do I get the privilege to drive a Lamborghini, if I can't afford one?

    Women didn't have the right to vote when the constitution was written. Presidents could serve indefinitely, as long as they were reelected, when the constitution was written. It was legal to own slaves when the constitution was written. The 1st amendment covers television and the internet and neither of them were around when the constitution was written. It was written as a living document, to allow for interpretation as society advanced. It was interpreted, by the Supreme Court, many decades ago that operating a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right. I'm not sure where you are going with the 2nd amendment argument. If you are convicted of murder, you lose most of your rights but, you can get them all back upon rehabilitation even your gun rights in most states. If I wasn't at work, I could pull up case laws and court precedents for this as well.

    To answer your ludicrous question: If you want to drive a Lambo but can't afford one, save up, steal it, or borrow one.

    My turn: When are you finally going to tuck your tail between your legs and admit you are wrong?

    If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If the law is on your side, pound the law. If neither the facts or the law are on your side, pound the keyboard. Keep pounding that keyboard Kirbster269!!!!!

  • Women didn't have the right to vote when the constitution was written. Presidents could serve indefinitely, as long as they were reelected, when the constitution was written. It was legal to own slaves when the constitution was written. The 1st amendment covers television and the internet and neither of them were around when the constitution was written. It was written as a living document, to allow for interpretation as society advanced. It was interpreted, by the Supreme Court, many decades ago that operating a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right. I'm not sure where you are going with the 2nd amendment argument. If you are convicted of ******, you lose most of your rights but, you can get them all back upon rehabilitation even your gun rights in most states. If I wasn't at work, I could pull up case laws and court precedents for this as well.

    To answer your ludicrous question: If you want to drive a Lambo but can't afford one, save up, steal it, or borrow one.

    My turn: When are you finally going to tuck your tail between your legs and admit you are wrong?

    If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. If the law is on your side, pound the law. If neither the facts or the law are on your side, pound the keyboard. Keep pounding that keyboard Kirbster269!!!!!

    No body ever said there wasn't alot wrong in the past, That's where the lawmakers over the years have picked and chooses what would favor them to keep there jobs. Just because you read something on ways lawyers manipulate words doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of innocent men and women went to prison and alot of them got away with mu_rder. When I'm wrong I'll put my tail between my legs and say so. and maybe by that time you finally get your head out of your.... well you know where. you can see it better than me. I can only tell you from experience not from papers written from others. A cop can’t pull you over without probable cause, if he does is he or she invading your rights or privilege.

  • No body ever said there wasn't alot wrong in the past, That's where the lawmakers over the years have picked and chooses what would favor them to keep there jobs. Just because you read something on ways lawyers manipulate words doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of innocent men and women went to prison and alot of them got away with mu_rder. When I'm wrong I'll put my tail between my legs and say so. and maybe by that time you finally get your head out of your.... well you know where. you can see it better than me. I can only tell you from experience not from papers written from others.

    You would think that someone who works with facts and figures as a profession would provide an argument with facts and figures, yet here you are, a bunch of anecdotal statements about how you feel, what you think, or what you believe. Thankfully laws and such are determined by papers written by others and the interpretations of those writings and the case at hand by a judge and not what one person "can only tell you from experience". Now we have lowered the bar to cranial rectal insertion rhetoric. What's next, will I be a stupid doo doo head?

    Obviously, we have gone past the realm of factual debate and are now just arguing over your feelings. I'm going to go ahead and walk away from this. I'm fairly positive you will not because you will want to get the last word in. I hope that getting the last word in comforts you. If neither the facts or the law are on your side, pound the keyboard. Keep pounding that keyboard Kirbster269!!!!!
  • My 0.02cents:

    Due to time constraints & pressure to release their vaccines, vaccine manufacturers could not put their vaccines through all of the traditional long term FDA testing. Because of this, the vaccine manufacturers required that Congress invoke the PREP Act (to shield them from lawsuits if any long term side effects pop up). They refused to release their vaccines until this condition was met & Congress did it.

    With the above being said...
    Anyone who forces a vaccine into the body of the general public is on the wrong side of history & should be ashamed of themselves. Full stop no exceptions.

    I am fully vaccinated & hope other get it as well. That said, i was totally against being forced to do it (especially given the legal sketchyness of the whole release).

    Only have the ability to micromanage our daily lives down to the amount of lights on your car of whether or not your selt-belt is done up due to the fact that we the people have allowed them to do so. I vote conservative every chance I get, this s#it isn't my fault I assure you Sunglasses
    If we're not careful they'll be forcing untested vaccines into your body next. They sure as h3ll tried to do it over the past year.