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OFF-TOPIC got really boring.... What you all been up to ?

TO start it off.... I hunt and train pointing dogs in my off time. 100+ birds in the bag this fall ( and a few deer ) and the Lakes froze over last weekend so some hard water fishing happening in Minesoooootahhh !!!

What you all been up to ?
  • TO start it off.... I hunt and train pointing dogs in my off time. 100+ birds in the bag this fall ( and a few deer ) and the Lakes froze over last weekend so some hard water fishing happening in Minesoooootahhh !!!

    What you all been up to ?

    Holy cow, 100 birds? What do you do with them all? I eat maybe 20 birds in a year, so I imagine you might do something else with them.
  • This spring I planted two apple trees, 3 blueberry bushes, grape vine, raspberries, planted 30 Dwarf Burning Bush to create a hedge. About 12 died, so this spring I will buy more. Did a bunch of gardening. This fall we did some canning, dried Carolina Reapers that I need to make into hot sauce yet.

    Not too many house projects.

    Otherwise, I have been laying low. I have been reading a lot lately. Just finished my 4th book in the last 4 months or so. I have been reading on how the subconscious mind works lately. Next book I am starting is about the Law of Attraction. This is definitely a new avenue for me and has been very interesting.

    That sounds like an interesting topic; how the subconscious works. I am usually pretty interested in psychological topics like that.
  • Well, on a 11 day hunting trip you can only have a max of 3 days of ducks and geese and 4 days worth of upland birds so you have to eat them as you go. I ate pheasant fajitas for 7 days in a row !!! I'm at about 125 now..... gifts and guests help !!
  • Thats awesome. Ive never hunted before (except fishing), but always wanted to. I just didnt grow up with that. Pheasant fajitas from a bird you literally just bagged sounds like a great time! And then to have the personal touch of pheasant presents afterwards is icing on the cake.
  • Nice!! I once made a wood carving knife from an old drill bit and my blow torch and I carved out a piece of walnut for the handle. I would love to get more into it, but I have so many hobbies that Ive become a jack of all trades and king of nothing haha
  • Ive been mostly reading and spending time with the kids (8,4,1). We are settling into our new place as we just moved from WA state to AZ for a number of reasons, including just too much blue out there for our tastes. Loving the new area. Current book: Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
  • Ive been mostly reading and spending time with the kids (8,4,1). We are settling into our new place as we just moved from WA state to AZ for a number of reasons, including just too much blue out there for our tastes. Loving the new area. Current book: Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin

    That sounds like an interesting topic; how the subconscious works. I am usually pretty interested in psychological topics like that.

    I started reading "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I then read a couple more books by Joseph Murphy and also "Self-Esteem" by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning. Now I am reading "Total Law of Attraction" by David Che.​

    I have heard of the book you are reading, but never looked into it. That one might be next on the list!
  • I will check out "The Power of your subconscious mind" once Im done. That sounds like a fascinating topic no matter which direction it takes. This is the first book by Rabbi Lapin Ive read, but I have listened to his podcast for years and really appreciate his worldview. I would list the other books Ive been reading, but they are pretty much all books on mussar (Ethics in Judaism) so it would probably be too niche to be interesting to anyone else Slight smile
  • - What started me on this track was a prayer by Jesus in John 17:23 where He discusses "unity". That lead me down a path of what "unity" looks like if God is in Jesus and Jesus is in the people. Which lead me down to trying to understand "oneness" and "unity", which then lead me down to reframing the subconscious mind and how one thinks. This is getting pretty deep, but I am actually enjoying the process. Welcome to my rabbit hole!
  • I aint been doin nuffin. had lots of life changes in a short period of time. been stress central over here for quite some time. too busy trying to keep my head above water to be doing anything i want to be doing.... except i finally picked up my $700 guitar i bought 2 years ago (and only played once) and started learning again when i cant sleep lol