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Temperature Comp error

We got a Hexagon SwiftCheck fixture and program recently. I went to run the program on one of the CMM's on the shop floor and when I went to calibrate the special 4x20 probe that came with it, it gave me this funky error message. It wouldn't let me click "OK" and acknowledge the error (it kept popping back up), so my only alternative was to click "shutdown" and it effectively killed PC-DMIS. When PC-DMIS came back up, it wouldn't let me open any programs (they were grayed out). This happened in both operator and online mode. This really freaked me out! The only saving grace was that a complete shutdown of both the CMM and the PC attached and when I rebooted them both, everything worked out ok. See error message below. How can I disable temperature compensation/correction so this doesn't happen again? Do I do it in the program or in settings?
  • Is there a TEMPCOMP command in the program?
  • The routine is meant to be executed through Inspect. You can choose whether to run with or without tempcomp from the SwiftCheck settings page. The way the routine works is that there are a number of assignments at the start which determine how it runs. These assignments are dynamically populated by Inspect each time you execute.
  • Is there a TEMPCOMP command in the program?

    There is a TEMPCOMP command in the program, but it looks like everything is grayed out when I try to change anything in it.

  • Like Neil is saying. It looks like you are basically filling in a form through inspect, which then populates variables at the start of the program. So if it doesn't have this info it will basically alarm out the program at the beginning.
  • When executing the SwiftCheck program via Inspect, there isn't anything that I have noticed that asks about the temp sensors. I couldn't even find anything in the Inspect settings to disable the temp sensors. We never got a proper training on using Inspect anyway. Does anyone have any experience using that program?
  • There is an Inspect section in the forum. Maybe someone in there will know.
  • When executing the SwiftCheck program via Inspect, there isn't anything that I have noticed that asks about the temp sensors. I couldn't even find anything in the Inspect settings to disable the temp sensors. We never got a proper training on using Inspect anyway. Does anyone have any experience using that program?

    You need to launch Inspect as administrator (otherwise you will not be able to access the settings). Go to "Settings" (bottom left of main screen), scroll down until you find Swift-Check and then click the "Configuration" option.

    You will also need to work through each tab and enter the required information (calibrated artefact sizes, uncertainty values etc.) - have you read the user guide instructions?
  • We got a Hexagon SwiftCheck fixture and program recently. I went to run the program on one of the CMM's on the shop floor and when I went to calibrate the special 4x20 probe that came with it, it gave me this funky error message. It wouldn't let me click "OK" and acknowledge the error (it kept popping back up), so my only alternative was to click "shutdown" and it effectively killed PC-DMIS. When PC-DMIS came back up, it wouldn't let me open any programs (they were grayed out). This happened in both operator and online mode. This really freaked me out! The only saving grace was that a complete shutdown of both the CMM and the PC attached and when I rebooted them both, everything worked out ok. See error message below. How can I disable temperature compensation/correction so this doesn't happen again? Do I do it in the program or in settings?

    "temperature" is spelled wrong in that warning label haha!
  • Yep, that was it. And I finally read that in the user guide. Thanks.