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Command argument out of limit

I am getting an error message "Command argument out of limit" whenever i try to ctrl+e a single feature of a program after the program has ran through fully. It is happening with all current programs. I feel another employee has changed a setting, has anyone ever had this issue before?

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  • No, Program will run fine from start to beginning, but if i stop the program in the middle and try to execute the program from the cursor or a single feature etc, it moves towards the feature then stops and gives the error message "Command argument out of limit". It does this for any feature in all programs, even a new program i made to test. Its as if it is not holding on to the data/alignments once the program stops.
  • YA thats pretty weird. it might have something to do with a prehit/retract setting or a AVOIDANCE MOVE setting. very tough to tell without any code.
    or as you suspected its an alignment issue.
  • Yeah I feel a setting has been changed by someone somewhere, as I had a problem with calibration yesterday where A0B0 would calibrate fine then any other angle for any probe would miss the sphere by a lot, and after hours of digging noticed the probe head orientation had been changed for A90B180 from Y+ to Y-.