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After edit window dispeared.

Hello All

My high speed CMM lost edit window, no matter what I did, it did not come out. What should I do? Reset account first or reset product first?

Thank you

Parents Reply
  • Can you try the following..

    • Shut down PC-DMIS.
    • Launch the settings editor for the version of PC-DMIS you were running.
    • Click "CONNECT" and wait until the settings populate.
    • Click "FIND" and then type "DialogFixedPosition" in the "find what" box before clicking "find next".
    • Change the "current vale" to 1 and then click "Save"
    • Close the settings editor and re-start PC-DMIS

    That should reset all dialogs back to their default position instead of remembering where they were positioned the last time they were accessed.  I'm not sure if this also applies to the edit window but it's worth a try.

    PC-DMIS Help Center - 2023.1 (hexagonmi.com)
