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Probe diameter vs. probe thickness

I ran across an issue the other day I have not seen before. I run 2013 MR1 and ran my program twice successfully, went to measure the third part and all my measurements were off by the radius of my probe tip. Upon investigation i found that the probe diameter was scaled to 1/25.4 the probe thickness. I don't know how this could happen automatically, because i did not mess with any of these settings. For some reason, PC-DMIS thinks that my thickness is in inches and tries to convert the diameter to mm, causing the scaling issue. Which still doesn't make sense that my measurements are only off by the radius of my probe tip, when in actuality should be off by more if it thinks the probe diameter is 1/25.4 the size of what it actually should be.

I then wrote a quick program using 2012 and all 3 of our probes work in 2012 without fail.

Any suggestions out there on what could have happened and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated, unless this is some sort of bug that I will need to get fixed.
  • You could check if a calibration had been done in inches/mm between part 2 and part 3. You could also check if the probe compensation is on. If there were no time and no modified parameters between part 2 and part 3, you found a bug !
  • Already checked both of your suggestions, but neither of them worked. I submitted a ticket to PC-DMIS and here is what they said "There is a known issue in PCDMIS 2013 MR1 related to probe compensation. Currently, the work around is to close PCDMIS, delete all "PRB" files from your computer, then launch PCDMIS 2013 MR 1 again. Somehow the prb's get corrupted and deleting them resolves the issue."

    I deleteded my probes out of my probe search directory and launched PC-DMIS again, but after i run the program once, the probe files get corrupted again. I dont know if i need to delete the probe files from all their storage areas and not just the probe search directory? Also, not sure if i need to completely delete 2013 MR1 and re-install it to fix the problem?

    In otherwords, I FOUND A BUG, but thanks for trying to help JEFMAN. I have submitted two questions on here and both times you tried to answer, i appreciate it.
  • Already checked both of your suggestions, but neither of them worked. I submitted a ticket to PC-DMIS and here is what they said "There is a known issue in PCDMIS 2013 MR1 related to probe compensation. Currently, the work around is to close PCDMIS, delete all "PRB" files from your computer, then launch PCDMIS 2013 MR 1 again. Somehow the prb's get corrupted and deleting them resolves the issue."

    I deleteded my probes out of my probe search directory and launched PC-DMIS again, but after i run the program once, the probe files get corrupted again. I dont know if i need to delete the probe files from all their storage areas and not just the probe search directory? Also, not sure if i need to completely delete 2013 MR1 and re-install it to fix the problem?

    In otherwords, I FOUND A BUG, but thanks for trying to help JEFMAN. I have submitted two questions on here and both times you tried to answer, i appreciate it.

    Wow, is all I can say....
  • Wow, is all I can say....

    This is even worse than the version they released that had a serious issue with the VECTOR point, that they knew was there when they released it, but, since a BIG CUSTOMER had to have that, they released it anyway, without warning anyone about it.

    How often do you think people are going to want to delete ALL the PRB files and then RE-BUILD ALL the PRB files, then RE-CALIBRATE all the PRB files.... and what are "operators" going to do about it? What CAN they do about it? NOTHING. Sweet!!!!!
  • Huh... I haven't heard anything regarding this being a known issue - but then again, "they" never tell anyone about these things...

    ...on the other hand, I can't really relate to the issue (I can't recall that it has happened to me) and what versions does this apply to? 2013 MR1 and/or 2013 MR1 SP1?
  • A huge thanks for posting this out here about this issue - I would love to see some feedback from a hexagon rep as to the bandage fix or better yet the REAL fix and what most of us here would want to know - when will any fixes be completed by? I would hope very fast as this is basically made all probe files useless. I hope to see some feedback on this before end of day if that is even feasible. Thanks.
  • As it stands right now, I reopened my original ticket stating that their suggestion did not work and asking what I should do next. That was last Thursday February 20th and as of yet no response. The version this applies to is 2013 MR1. What is the difference between 2013 MR1 and 2013 MR1 SP1?
  • Maalford, can you please tell me more about this. As of yet I could not find a reference to the ticket you filed. Do you have a ticket # I can use? Can you zip up and attach the probe files here so I can take a look? Thank you
  • Don Ruggieri, attached is my corrupted probe files. Also, my ticket number is 16101-17565. I really appreciate you helping with this as I can nut run any programs that I have written using 2013 MR1, only programs written with 2012 or earlier.

    Attached Files
  • Sorry, i was mistaken, this is 2013 MR1 SP1. Dont know if that changes anything but just thought I would let you guys know.