Changing from Port 2 tip to Port 3 tip causes port 3 tip to hang off or be picked up to left of center. Probe head still functions til it takes a hit. Then error message appears about bad hit etc. This happens about every 50th to 60th probe change. Keeps snapping.3mm (point 3 mm x 10 mm length) tips while running a 16 part fixture. Yes I can raise probe and reset tip ( green arrow button) and hit redo; but, this program is to run auto after being started by operator(s). I have cleaned tip. port etc yet is till occurs frequently! This is while using Optiv 443Dual Z with PC-MIS 2017R2
Ok, were there any new probefiles added after the update that this particular program uses? Reason I ask is that there seem to have been a change for the dimensions defining the body of the X1H - I know you have the X1C so you may not be affected (or the dimensions for the X1C hasn't changed between 2015 to 2017). We were affected by it and all new probefiles created after this change acted weird as the body dimension was off. This meant we had to re-create all probefiles with the new definition (I think it was done in the 2016 release) and I threw a small tantrum on this forum...
I also don't remember, as I am employed elsewhere now. However we did have a 6 port Renishaw probe changer that didn't have
too many issues; although sometimes seat 6 (which was closest to Y+) would have trouble seating our 45 degree probe, even after recalibration of the rack/probe.