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I'm very new to PCDMIS and DATA PAGE. How do you even get your Data from your Parts to Data page? I'm using the PCD2Excel Wizard after each part and that gives me the data in spread sheet form but I have no clue how to get the info to Datapage? Where should I start?
  • Yes it does go in the beginning of the program...it completely eliminated all of the "infamous" database errors.. file corruption..locking issues etc...

    I was not trying to make it difficult..sorry you misinterpreted is as "not knowing what i was talking about, Mr. JJewell"

    Well, I have NEVER ever had an issue with my xstats.tmp file or a corrupted database and needing all that code. Here is why, I create my program, then put the stats command in , then do all my dimensioning. That way , the dimensioning and the stats on command doesn't become active until you have completely run the program. So nah, nah, nah....LOL

    Have a nice day...Smiley
  • Yes it does go in the beginning of the program...it completely eliminated all of the "infamous" database errors.. file corruption..locking issues etc...

    I was not trying to make it difficult..sorry you misinterpreted is as "not knowing what i was talking about, Mr. JJewell"

    Well, I have NEVER ever had an issue with my xstats.tmp file or a corrupted database and needing all that code. Here is why, I create my program, then put the stats command in , then do all my dimensioning. That way , the dimensioning and the stats on command doesn't become active until you have completely run the program. So nah, nah, nah....LOL

    Have a nice day...Smiley
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