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Has anyone moved over to Datapage+ for reporting?

I don't know if Im missing something, but the layout is beyond confusing, Im still not sure I have the database setup correctly, it is dog slow when I have a part model on the screen, & I still have not figured out how to tell PCDMIS how to access the database. Im trying to make Dataview style reports out of it, but Im finding it next to impossible to do. Why they did away with the File...Edit...View...toolbar at the top, I dont know.
  • Hello all,
    I am using DP+ 4.1. We don't use DP for much here. Just the Multichart and the data report. We had this working fine in "legacy" but are having growing pains with DP+. My multichart isn't calculating CP or CPK. It also shows the Average and Range as zero, probably why the CP is messed up. The data report shows the data as it should be. Tolerances are correct, etc. This was an import, dumped the data from legacy and imported it into DP+, so I have questions as to whether it is from that or not. Also, other reports have the data cut off at the right edge of the report. I don't see a template editor yet but I bet there is one hiding somewhere.

    These are just my observations in case Ping or someone else takes notice. I have a call in to tech support about this as well and will post the solution if I get one.

    I would like to mention that I LOVE the thumbnail list of the parts in the database. This combined with the category lists you can make create a much easier time of finding parts when you have a couple thousand in the database.
  • Hello all,
    I am using DP+ 4.1. We don't use DP for much here. Just the Multichart and the data report. We had this working fine in "legacy" but are having growing pains with DP+. My multichart isn't calculating CP or CPK. It also shows the Average and Range as zero, probably why the CP is messed up. The data report shows the data as it should be. Tolerances are correct, etc. This was an import, dumped the data from legacy and imported it into DP+, so I have questions as to whether it is from that or not. Also, other reports have the data cut off at the right edge of the report. I don't see a template editor yet but I bet there is one hiding somewhere.

    These are just my observations in case Ping or someone else takes notice. I have a call in to tech support about this as well and will post the solution if I get one.

    I would like to mention that I LOVE the thumbnail list of the parts in the database. This combined with the category lists you can make create a much easier time of finding parts when you have a couple thousand in the database.
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