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Sounds like you didn't put a tracefield or an input comment in the PcDims program. Do that and you will be all set.
Thats the Plus part of it Matt. I had to upgrade to get the Data view part of the software.
You have to put in an external comand line to run a .exe file to send the stats. It runs in the background during program execution.
That is just SO FLUCKING stupid. (15 years ago) "Hey, we have this all-in-one inspection/stat package, they work hand-in-hand, all ya gotta do is put in this ONE command in your program (with just 2 mouce clicks!) and it will automatically increment your sample number AND save the data so you can make a nice stat report." then now, when everyone needs to lean out their processses "Oh, hey, we're all about making it BETTER and we listen to the users, so here's a new Datapage (which, by the way, you will have to pay for a training class to learn how to use it since it is nothing at all like what you've had in the past and we don't give you anything for the SMA money you've been giving us for 15 years but we changed nothing during that time) and oh, by the way, it doesn't do any of the automatic stuff it did before, now you have to do all this other crap just to get back to where it was before we made it "better" for you."
Yep, they sure got their priorities straight.
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