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Datapage Upgrade

How easy it it to upgrade from Datapage 3.33 to Datapage + 2011 MR1?

Once the SQL sever is in place, do all CMM programs need to be changed?

Please advise,

  • Thanks for the quick response, Matt. Our CMM is 32-bit, my workstation is 64. Large CAD files were crashing my PC, hence the upgrade. D/Page/View no longer works on my PC. We will be going to Windows 7 by the end of this year so a Pcdmis upgrade is inevitable. I had been looking forward to making reports so easy to read even an engineer could understand them, you know, with pictures and arra's and everything. But, since we don't check production parts and D/Page + has problems, maybe I should recommend we dump D/Page+ ( mine's been inop over 6 months now anyhow but we still pay the Maint.fee), save my company $40,000 for the SQL Server they think they need, and accept my Employee of the Year Award! A lot can be done with Print Screen, Excel and CutePDF.
    Thanks again.

    I actually do everything THROUGH Datapage, then into Excel. Yeah, sounds a little "round the bend" but it works sweet. Up to 30 parts can be reported in a single Excel file that does pictures and data and labels and everything. Of course, that Excel file is a 'work in progress', has been for 12 years (on revision 36 right now!). The latest revision included the addition of BODY AXIS direction (I/O, F/A, H/L) and yeah, it takes a bit of time to set up the Excel file for a part (about the same amount of time it takes to check 3-5 parts), but once it is set up, it takes me only about 30 seconds after the last part to be printing out a full graphical report that looks something like this: (this does NOT have the body position added)

    AND, since it is an EXCEL file, once I protect it, it can be emailed to anyone and they can see what it what and where and how and all that good stuff. That same form can display ROAD MAP or TOLERANCE or SINGLE PART FROM STUDY or AVERAGES FROM STUDY or RANGES or OUT OF TOLERANCE ONLY, all by changing the value in a single cell. Let me tell you, every customer we have loves these files/reports. Clean, easy to read as well as so versatile ANYTHING from the study can be displayed on the report.
  • Thanks for the quick response, Matt. Our CMM is 32-bit, my workstation is 64. Large CAD files were crashing my PC, hence the upgrade. D/Page/View no longer works on my PC. We will be going to Windows 7 by the end of this year so a Pcdmis upgrade is inevitable. I had been looking forward to making reports so easy to read even an engineer could understand them, you know, with pictures and arra's and everything. But, since we don't check production parts and D/Page + has problems, maybe I should recommend we dump D/Page+ ( mine's been inop over 6 months now anyhow but we still pay the Maint.fee), save my company $40,000 for the SQL Server they think they need, and accept my Employee of the Year Award! A lot can be done with Print Screen, Excel and CutePDF.
    Thanks again.

    I actually do everything THROUGH Datapage, then into Excel. Yeah, sounds a little "round the bend" but it works sweet. Up to 30 parts can be reported in a single Excel file that does pictures and data and labels and everything. Of course, that Excel file is a 'work in progress', has been for 12 years (on revision 36 right now!). The latest revision included the addition of BODY AXIS direction (I/O, F/A, H/L) and yeah, it takes a bit of time to set up the Excel file for a part (about the same amount of time it takes to check 3-5 parts), but once it is set up, it takes me only about 30 seconds after the last part to be printing out a full graphical report that looks something like this: (this does NOT have the body position added)

    AND, since it is an EXCEL file, once I protect it, it can be emailed to anyone and they can see what it what and where and how and all that good stuff. That same form can display ROAD MAP or TOLERANCE or SINGLE PART FROM STUDY or AVERAGES FROM STUDY or RANGES or OUT OF TOLERANCE ONLY, all by changing the value in a single cell. Let me tell you, every customer we have loves these files/reports. Clean, easy to read as well as so versatile ANYTHING from the study can be displayed on the report.
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