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OK, that helps me understand how DP processes the data and the problems and I can understand why you would need to delete the as a matter of course when using datapage.
Then my advice earlier only applies to non-datapage data consumers. Jan_d said that he was going to use this with his Infinity and he may want to reconconsider untill he determines exactly how Infinity handles the data.
So, I guess bottom line, if your SPC program(including Datapage) uses xstats11 file in a non-accumulating way then using the delete method is a useful workaround.
OK, that helps me understand how DP processes the data and the problems and I can understand why you would need to delete the as a matter of course when using datapage.
Then my advice earlier only applies to non-datapage data consumers. Jan_d said that he was going to use this with his Infinity and he may want to reconconsider untill he determines exactly how Infinity handles the data.
So, I guess bottom line, if your SPC program(including Datapage) uses xstats11 file in a non-accumulating way then using the delete method is a useful workaround.
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