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Been trying to get datapage running using the external command in PC-dmis at the end of the part program to run datapagestats.exe. I can confirm that PC-dmis is creating the xml file and putting it in the default directory .../public documents/forstatsfiles. After running the data importer program the files get moved to the default directory .../public documents/forhandledfiles. I can also confirm that the xml files have data in them. When I open datapage I can see that the part has been added and I can see the features and dimensions in the side bar, but I have no transactions and cannot see any data. I tried this initially using the hexblock and it worked, but now that I've tried it on an actual part I can't get data. I'm not sure what to do from here. I know that PC-dmis is outputting data and the data importer is doing something, but beyond that I can't tell what's happening. No errors or anything pop up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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