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Not getting transactions in Datapage+

Been trying to get datapage running using the external command in PC-dmis at the end of the part program to run datapagestats.exe. I can confirm that PC-dmis is creating the xml file and putting it in the default directory .../public documents/forstatsfiles. After running the data importer program the files get moved to the default directory .../public documents/forhandledfiles. I can also confirm that the xml files have data in them. When I open datapage I can see that the part has been added and I can see the features and dimensions in the side bar, but I have no transactions and cannot see any data. I tried this initially using the hexblock and it worked, but now that I've tried it on an actual part I can't get data. I'm not sure what to do from here. I know that PC-dmis is outputting data and the data importer is doing something, but beyond that I can't tell what's happening. No errors or anything pop up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • baconWalrus, interesting name. I wonder how Walrus bacon would be? Slight smile

    Now onto the subject at hand, what version of Datapage and PC-DMIS are you using? On your dimensions, what is the output set to (STATS, REPORT, BOTH, or NONE)?

    I have had the privilege of running into Xact Measure data transactions missing from DataPage while in Operator Mode in PC-DMIS 2015.1. Ticket has been sent into Hexagon and confirmed as a bug, but nothing has come about it, yet.
  • Thanks for replying bfire, I'm not sure if walrus bacon would be any good it'd be all fat!

    I have

    Datapage+ 5.0
    PC-DMIS CAD++ 2014.1

    And the output on my dimensions is set to "BOTH". The other thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that I tried to manually import the xml files from datapage->tools. These are the files that have supposedly already been imported but I don't see any data. When I run the wizard it gives me a "transaction [...] exist" error and stops the process. So it would seem that the data is in the database but I can't get it in datapage.
  • Check there are no active filters on, if the transaction is there, the dimensions should be. I've seen this before where I had a filter active and didn't realise.
  • omega3, I checked my filters and that was the case. It was on test filter I made but didn't know what it did. Thanks for your help!
  • Been trying to get datapage running using the external command in PC-dmis at the end of the part program to run datapagestats.exe. I can confirm that PC-dmis is creating the xml file and putting it in the default directory .../public documents/forstatsfiles. After running the data importer program the files get moved to the default directory .../public documents/forhandledfiles. I can also confirm that the xml files have data in them. When I open datapage I can see that the part has been added and I can see the features and dimensions in the side bar, but I have no transactions and cannot see any data. I tried this initially using the hexblock and it worked, but now that I've tried it on an actual part I can't get data. I'm not sure what to do from here. I know that PC-dmis is outputting data and the data importer is doing something, but beyond that I can't tell what's happening. No errors or anything pop up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Can you submit a ticket to Hexagon for help?

    They remoted into my CMM and my PC containing Datapage+ to help get things going. It took many tries and my IT department also collaborated with them.

    My scenario - Database had to be on a network, only solution was to create and xml file, use a data importer to send the file over the network into the database, then I could see the transactions on my separate pc with datapage+.

    Had to use stats on, yes to offline, xml stats - to a specified folder. The data importer does the rest.

    Again, this was the only solution we could figure out.