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GR&R Reports

I have never done a Gage R&R, or printed a report for that matter. Someone had done one in the past, but we need to have a new one completed and I was wondering if I could get some help.
I understand that you need at least two operators. If I looking at the old report correctly, they ran 10 parts, 3 times with 2 different operators.
What is the best way to get the results you are looking for?
  • For DataPage+, you must have Tracefields for Operator, Trial and Part/Sample number. (I use Comment/Report/Input to get the tracefields in DP+).

    Then when you have the data, you can select the GRR report.

    We have Minitab though, so I've never actually used the DP+ GRR report, and could (possibly) be wrong. Rolling eyes
  • on the Tracefield have one call it Operator and have another Tracefield and call it number. Take 10 random parts write numbers 1-10 maybe in pencil. Run the parts 3 times with one operator, after your done have the next operator do the same thing. when you get into datapage, go to that folder open it up you will see 60 parts ran. Hit settings, window will pop up, highlight the Tracefields, I had 1 for Serial number and another Operator, move them over hit ok and then you will see the name and number appear. That way you can compare 6 readings of 1 and see if they repeated and the same with 2-10
    we run with 3 operators

    We will probably only use two operators, because that is how it had been done the last time. We already use (3) comments to distinguish operator and machine numbers on a daily basis. However, would you recommend that we copy the program and change the name to something else so that the stats go to a new folder?
    Also remove the third comments so we only have part and operator?
  • Also it might be good to throw in a couple bad parts. This is just a study that when you show a customer or your troubleshooting, that even the bad part is repeating bad

    It's actually more than good. It's highly recommended to at least have 1 example, for each characteristic, that is out of spec, or significantly different than most of the parts. We just went through this problem in the last few months. Adding the outside of normal characteristics really helps.

    Also, for using the GRR Text report in DataPage+, you do need to have Operator, Trial and Sample numbers (and they all need to be numbers). If you don't plan on using DataPage's GRR Text report, then you just need to make sure that whoever is compiling the data and calculating the results, knows what's what.
  • Thanks so much for your help! Not sure how soon we will be able to get this into the schedule. I calculate it to take us 4 hours to run this if we use the part that we originally chose.
    I will try to remember to get back on here and post how it went!
  • "Also, for using the GRR Text report in DataPage+, you do need to have Operator, Trial and Sample numbers "

    YES, I found this out afterward that I was missing the TRIAL comment. I did figure out how to add it to the report though luckily before running the parts all over again.
  • Longest GR&R ever. Slight smile

    Glad it all worked out.